
Monday, 4 March 2013

Cameroon First Movie Awards Coming soon this December 2013

Exciting News: The first edition of Cameroon Movie Awards ceremony will be here soon. CMA is the Cameroonian movie awards to be held this December 2013 in Bamenda; North West of Cameroon. According to Mr Eric Ntang the man behind it all, "it is a ceremony that will define the path of the film industry in Cameroon as well as the Diaspora. Nominees are drawn from all productions in Cameroon, and in the diaspora. The CMA will ultimately become a rotational annual awards, and at some point we may even move from one continent to the other. In other words we may host one in the UK or US at some point." Watch a preview of all nominees so far after the cut.....

The red carpet of this awards ceremony will be powered by the Sama Ndango show. Sama Ndango is a Cameroon born  award-winning - Entertainer, who has spend most of his life in Europe. Affectionately known as MR. "FIX IT" in the media, he has achieved success in mentoring celebrities, entrepreneurs, and high profile talents. Mr "FIXIT" created the Sama Ndango show to help people get inspired, entertained, have fun, believe more in themselves and live their dreams irrespective of whatever they have been through in life.To know about this talented entrepreneur click Here

Many people will say; does Cameroon have a movie industry? when did it start? and how far has it gone to deserve an award ceremony? in as much as these questions are reasonably fair, here is my take as the owner of this empowering blog;  An awards ceremony makes people feel that their work is valued no matter how little. It shows approval and gratitude for each person's good job, and it makes people aware that good work will be rewarded. It shows others, such as the general public and those aspiring to venture in such domain, that you're aware of outstanding accomplishments. Recognition motivates all to strive for excellence and we all benefit from it.

For instance, if an actor or producer receives an award for an outstanding performance or production, other will strive to do better also, so that they too can be recognised. Being rewarded for doing well is one of the biggest incentives anyone can receive.
Eric Ntang
So far ESIA has been closely watching, listening and talking to Mr Eric Ntang. Eric is a Film Producer/Actor of Cameroon Movies, based in The USA. He has produced and directed the Followings:"Our-Inlaws", "The Price Of Cheating", "The Sacrificial Lamb"," Lisa The President's Daughter", "American Wahala" and currently shooting the famous movie " The United States Of Africa".

There is a first time for everything and if someone doesn't start, then who will? for this reason, Mr Eric Ntang and his team should be congratulated for the initiative and courage in taking such a risk; knowing there will be so much criticism as of primary.

I wish this awards also includes Cameroonian actors who have managed to break into the Ghanaian and Nigerian movie industry, but just have not had the chance to show case their talent in any of the Cameroon movies yet; like the light of Okawa Shaznay and the rest. The reason is, these talented individuals are still flagging Cameroon across borders; which is even more difficult to do or break into. It is believed an appreciation should be shown  to them and their efforts as actors or other related endeavours. 


Anonymous said...

I like this initiative, finally something good is coming up from the Cameroon Movie Industry of Cameroon. I have an artist I would like to suggest to you guys (Slim Jizzy aka Slim Beatz), how can I get him to perform to your show?

My email or Tel:75884425

empower success in africa said...

Your requested is been submitted;


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