
Saturday, 13 December 2014

Cameroon now has a call center for abused women

Photo credits UN Women/I. Tapang
Cameroon now has a call center for abused women in our society: Just call 243 425 668.

According to UN Women West and Central Africa article (December 04, 2014), During the 16 Days Campaign to end violence against women in Cameroon, representative of the International Telecommunications Union (IUT) Mr. Jean Jacques Massima said: gender-based violence (GBV) can be effectively eliminated in Cameroon if ICT tools are adequately exploited for the benefit of women and girls. “The use of ICTs must respect professional and ethical standards,” Mr Massima told to hundreds of participants at a UN Women Cameroon forum styled “Gender Café 6” in Douala, Cameroon’s economic capital. The event that held under the theme “The Role of ICT in preventing GBV in Cameroon” was also graced by the official opening of a GBV Call Center for survivors in the Littoral region.

Across the globe, millions of people were dressed in orange in November entring December; to symbolise a world free from violence against women and girls. Revisiting the official statement of UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, UN Women Representative and Country Director Mrs Rachelle Mian Djangone said women and girls experience violence in all countries and neighbourhoods but these crimes often remain unreported and hidden. “We must end the silence. That is why this year’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women is centred on a grassroots effort to raise awareness called Orange Your Neighbourhood,” according to Mr. Ban’s statement.

Photo credits UN Women/I. Tapang
In a bid to mitigate risks faced by women in Cameroon, UN Women Cameroon has established a toll-free Call Center in the Littoral, one of the country’s most vulnerable regions to gender-based violence. The UN entity has also rolled out several strategies to end violence against women including a Gender Café and the training of journalists.

Source: UN Women West and Central Africa

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