
Friday, 1 March 2013

Sudan reintroduction amputation law

According to allafrica, Government doctors amputated a man's right hand and left foot by court order in Khartoum on 14 February, violating international laws prohibiting torture and cruel, inhuman, or degrading punishments, rights groups said Wednesday.

According to reliable sources, medical doctors at the Sudanese ministry of interior's Al-Rebat Hospital in Khartoum carried out what is called cross-amputation on 30-year-old Adam Al-Muthna, carrying out a sentence for an armed robbery conviction.

"Cross amputation is a form of state-sponsored torture," said Dr Vincent Iacopino, a senior medical advisor at PHR. "The complicity of medical personnel in such practices represents a gross contravention of the UN principles of medical ethics for health personnel, particularly medical doctors who engage, actively or passively, in acts of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment", he added.

The al-Sudani daily reported that Muthna was convicted of firing on a car with an assault rifle between North Kordofan and East Darfur in March 2006 and stealing SDG 1,000 (US$228) from its passengers.

The Sudanese Penal Code provides cross amputation as a penalty for armed robbery when it results in grievous injury or involves theft of property with a value exceeding SDG 1,500 or about $340.

Dear readers, Sudan has reintroduced the law that sentences thieves to have their right hand and left foot cut off; this has been described as inhumane by rights groups. What do think about this? 

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