
Tuesday 26 March 2013

Annie Macaulay Idibia "I Do" trubute to husband 2face (Innocent Idibia)

My joy! My heart! My friend! My love

She posted this picture on her facebook page and captioned it: Story of My Life
I stand before you today as open as I can ever be, humbled by the light and love in your eyes. 13 years ago, I met the most amazing man on earth! I flew on the wings of that love, uncaring, unheeding! Believing firmly that you are and will always be the wind beneath my wings

Life happened, oh yes Life happened but through it all my heart beat only for you!My heartbreak became my greatest joy! My strength! My life! Day after day I am more in love with you!

When people ask me what is love! I say Love is right here! This moment! This second! Today! Tomorrow! Love is you! Love is real! Love is my eternity with you Innocent ujah Idibia

I give you all of me today knowing that in you and you only has this imperfect girl found perfection!!!I do 13 years ago when I met you, I do seven years ago, I do five years ago when we created our daughter! I do through all the blogs and tabloid headlines

And on this day, at this very second I stand in front of the world and I say I do take you as my wedded husband! I love you!

I love you so much, so so much

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