
Monday 18 March 2013

Nigeria court has Ordered police to pay N5m to a priest

According to Inemesit Akpan-Nsoh, a reporter from the Nigeria Guardian, the UYO High Court in Akwa Ibom State has ordered the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) to pay N5 million compensation to Rev. Francis Ubong, a priest of the Roman Catholic Church, following assault against him by a police official who is linked to the anti-kidnapping unit in the Akwa Ibom State command.

It is reported that police officer allegedly slapped Ubong at Ekpo Ekpo Integrated Ventures filling station along Atiku Abubakar Way, Uyo, the state capital on February 18, 2011 in the middle of an argument between the two

As part of his rulling, Justice Pius Idiong, held that it was inhuman, degrading and embarrassing for a police officer to slap a clergyman in the public glare. As such, he ruled the police officer violated Ubong’s fundamental right to dignity of life as guaranteed and protected by section 34 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended) and Article 5 of the African Charter of Human and People’s Rights.

The gulty was also ordered to write an unreserved and acceptable letter of apology to the applicant to be published in the state owned newspaper, Pioneer Newspaper.

“The respondents whether by themselves or through their agents, servants or privies, howsoever called be and are hereby restrained from further violating or infringing on the said applicant’s fundamental right, or at all, save only in the circumstances permitted by the Constitution of the law.
“The respondents, jointly and severally shall forthwith pay to the applicant the sum of N5 million only to compensate him for the indignity, injury, embarrassment and mental agony which the said breach of his fundamental right has caused him,” the judge said.

Credit: Nigeria Guardian

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