
Showing posts with label African Intertainment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label African Intertainment. Show all posts

Thursday, 1 August 2024

🌟💝Hommage à Stéphanie Tum: une perle rare du cinéma camerounais 📿💝🌟

Quelques semaines plus tôt, Stéphanie Tum, l'étoile du cinéma camerounais, a remporté le prestigieux prix de la meilleure actrice africaine lors de la 24e édition du Festival du Cinéma Africain de Khouribga (FICTAK). Ce triomphe marque une étape décisive dans sa carrière, et démontre l'étendue de son talent et de sa détermination. Mais qui est cette femme extraordinaire qui s’impose de plus en plus sur la scène internationale?!

Née le 2 décembre 1987 à Bamenda, dans la région du Nord-Ouest du Cameroun, Stéphanie Tum est originaire de Wum. Elle a fait ses études primaires à l’école catholique St. Joseph de Mvog-Ada à Yaoundé, avant de poursuivre au PSS Mankon et au lycée bilingue de Yaoundé. Elle a également suivi des cours à l’université de Buea. Sa passion pour le cinéma se manifeste très tôt, mais ce sont ses années de formation qui lui ont permis d'acquérir la rigueur et la discipline nécessaires pour exceller dans ce domaine exigeant.

Wednesday, 24 July 2024

💝🌟L'artiste ivoirien Meiway: l'humilité et l'importance des mères dans la culture africaine 💫💝

Sur cette magnifique photo, on peut voir l'artiste ivoirien Meiway assis auprès d'une femme qui semble être sa maman. Ce qui est le plus marquant, c'est la posture d'humilité qu'il adopte. En observant cette image, on ressent profondément le respect et la déférence qu'il a pour sa mère. 

Dans la culture africaine, les mères occupent une place centrale. Peu importe notre grandeur à l'extérieur, nos succès ou nos titres, nous redevenons des enfants auprès de nos mamans. Elles sont notre refuge, notre terminus, l'ancre de nos vies. 

Cette photo illustre parfaitement cette réalité. Meiway, malgré sa notoriété et ses accomplissements, revient à la simplicité et à l'humilité face à sa mère. Ce geste rappelle à chacun d'entre nous que, peu importe nos réalisations, l'amour et le respect pour nos parents, surtout nos mamans, restent primordiaux.

#Humilité #Respect #CultureAfricaine #Maman #AmourMaternel #Meiway #CôteDIvoire #FiertéAfricaine #Famille #Valeurs #ArtisteIvoirien

Stanislas Zeze conseil ça petite fillette sur l’importance de son dépendance et du choix personnel💝

Stanislas Zeze🇨🇮 : « J'ai dit à ma fille : tu ne travailleras pas pour de l'argent et tu ne chercheras pas un homme pour de l'argent. Tu feras le travail qui te passionne et tu choisiras l'homme que tu aimes. Pour le reste, ton père s'en est déjà occupé. »

Ce texte met en avant l'importance pour Stanislas Zeze de l'indépendance et du choix personnel, tout en soulignant la responsabilité et le soutien parental pour assurer un avenir stable et libre pour sa fille.

Stanislas Zeze🇨🇮, ayant fait fortune dans le monde de la finance, incarne un modèle de réussite et de sagesse. Il a importé son concept des États-Unis en Côte d'Ivoire, où il a prospéré. Aujourd'hui, le couple Jeanne et Stanislas Zeze est souvent cité parmi les couples exemplaires. Il n'est donc pas étonnant qu'il donne ce conseil à sa fille : 

« Tu ne travailleras pas pour de l'argent et tu ne chercheras pas un homme pour de l'argent. Tu feras le travail qui te passionne et tu choisiras l'homme que tu aimes. Pour le reste, ton père s'en est déjà occupé. »

Sunday, 21 July 2024

💫💫Hommage à Muriel Blanche : Une Étoile Confirmée et bien plus que Montante du Cinéma et de la Réalité. 💫💫

Muriel Blanche est une figure emblématique qui brille de mille feux dans le monde du cinéma et au-delà. Actrice talentueuse, productrice visionnaire, et femme de cœur, Muriel Blanche incarne le succès et l'excellence à travers ses multiples réalisations. Son parcours est une véritable source d'inspiration pour tous ceux qui rêvent de laisser une empreinte indélébile dans leur domaine.

D'ethnie Bamiléké, Muriel Blanche naît le 25 août 1990 à Bandja dans la région de l'Ouest du Cameroun. Diplômée d'un BTS en gestion et commerce international, elle possède une solide formation qui l'a aidée à naviguer avec succès dans les mondes du commerce et de l'industrie cinématographique.

Une Ascension Fulgurante dans le Cinéma

Elle se fait connaître en 2017 à travers la web-série "Pakgne" dans laquelle elle partage l'affiche avec Marcelle Kuetche. En 2020, elle coproduit le film "Aline" et joue le rôle de Passy dans la série "Madame.. Monsieur" d'Ebenezer Kepombia. Sa performance remarquable dans ces rôles a rapidement fait d'elle une des actrices les plus respectées et admirées de sa génération. Chaque rôle qu'elle incarne est empreint de passion, de profondeur et de vérité, ce qui témoigne de son engagement et de son amour pour son art.

Un Engagement Social Admirable

Lors de son 31e anniversaire, le 25 août 2021, Muriel Blanche a décidé de scolariser dix enfants orphelins, un par région au Cameroun. Cet acte de générosité illustre son profond engagement social et sa volonté de redonner à sa communauté. Elle ne se contente pas d'exceller devant la caméra ; elle utilise également sa notoriété pour faire une différence positive dans la vie des autres.

Muriel Blanche ne cesse d'innover. Elle a lancé sa propre ligne de vêtements et ouvert un salon de beauté, tous deux sous le nom de "Envoutée par Muriel". En plus de cela, elle soutient le jeune talent du show-biz camerounais, Eteme Ateba Bonaventure Junior, prouvant qu'elle est non seulement une actrice et productrice accomplie, mais aussi une mentor et une entrepreneure dynamique.

Soutien aux Talents Émergents et Influence Pan-Africaine

Muriel Blanche est également une fervente supportrice de l'artiste Joy au Cameroun, qu'elle sponsorise et produit. Son soutien à des talents émergents témoigne de son désir de voir prospérer la culture et les arts dans son pays. En aidant ces jeunes artistes, elle contribue à l'épanouissement de la scène artistique camerounaise et à la mise en lumière de nouveaux talents.

Muriel Blanche a été également chroniqueuse à l'émission panafricaine "Le Cœur des Femmes" diffusée sur Canal+ Elles, où elle a inspirer et d'éduquer un large public. Cette année 2024, elle incarne le rôle de Fatima dans la série "La Bataille des Chéries" d'Ebenezer Kepombia, consolidant encore sa position comme l'une des actrices les plus influentes du continent.

Une Maman, un Modèle à Suivre et un Couple Inspirant:

Au-delà de ses succès professionnels, Muriel Blanche est une maman dévouée de trois enfants, dont deux filles et un garçon. Elle parvient à jongler entre sa carrière florissante et ses responsabilités familiales avec grâce et détermination. Sa capacité à exceller dans tous les aspects de sa vie fait d'elle un modèle non seulement au Cameroun, mais aussi dans toute l'Afrique subsaharienne. Muriel Blanche incarne le travail acharné et la créativité, et elle prouve chaque jour que l'on peut être une mère accomplie et une épouse tout en poursuivant ses rêves et en atteignant des sommets.

Muriel Blanche est également mariée au créateur et fondateur de 1XBET. 1XBET est une entreprise en pleine expansion qui connaît un énorme succès non seulement au Cameroun, mais aussi à travers l'Afrique et même en Occident. Ce couple illustre parfaitement la réussite dans les domaines respectifs tout en soutenant mutuellement leurs aspirations et leurs projets. Ensemble, ils forment une force inspirante qui influence positivement leur communauté et au-delà.

Éducation et Vision:

Grâce à son sens des affaires, son intellectualisme et sa stratégie, Muriel Blanche a éduqué ses enfants de manière exemplaire. Cette éducation et sa vision ont permis à sa fille de devenir une égérie influente, incarnant les valeurs et les ambitions inculquées par sa mère. 

Muriel Blanche est bien plus qu'une actrice ou une productrice ; elle est un modèle à suivre, une source d'inspiration et une preuve vivante que le succès est possible à la fois dans le monde du cinéma et dans la vie quotidienne. Sa brillante carrière et son influence positive continueront de motiver et d'inspirer des générations à venir.

Merci, Muriel Blanche, pour votre lumière, votre talent et votre engagement envers un monde meilleur. Vous êtes une véritable étoile du Cameroun et une fierté pour nous tous.Je tiens également à remercier tous ceux qui ont contribué à la création de cette vidéo et qui continuent de soutenir Muriel Blanche dans ses diverses entreprises.

#MurielBlanche #Succès #Cinéma #Inspiration #Actrice #Productrice #EngagementSocial #Entrepreneuriat #Influence #Talent #Panafricaine #Cameroun #SupportAuxArtistes #Modèle #Maman #TravailAcharné #Créativité #OneXBet #CoupleInspirant #Éducation #Vision


Rendre hommage à Emmanuelle Keïta est une tâche ardue tant son parcours et ses accomplissements sont vastes et inspirants. Ivoirienne, maman de quatre enfants, Emmanuelle est l’incarnation de la force féminine, de la résilience et de l’AMBITION . Avec trois enfants à Paris et une fille de 18 ans en Côte d'Ivoire, qui vient de fêter son anniversaire et d’obtenir son baccalauréat, Emmanuelle jongle entre ses rôles de mère et de femme professionnelle avec une grâce admirable.

Un Exemple de Résilience: Emmanuelle Keïta représente ces femmes qui, malgré les défis et les responsabilités de MAMAN, refusent de mettre leurs rêves en suspens. Elle prouve que l'on peut élever seule/en coparentalité des enfants et trouver néanmoins le moyen de vivre pleinement ses ambitions. Son parcours est une source d’inspiration pour toutes les femmes qui se battent pour concilier vie familiale et rêves personnels.

Une Femme aux Multiples Talents: Business WOMAN (Shop THE CORSETERY by EK) Conférencière, influenceuse, et présentatrice de son émission "MOOD by EK" sur NCI, notamment les célèbres rubriques "Fashion Police et code" Emmanuelle Keïta démontre chaque jour qu'il est possible de poursuivre ses passions et de réussir professionnellement tout en étant une mère présente et aimante. Elle montre à toutes les mères qu'elles peuvent être sexy, épanouies et réussir brillamment dans leurs carrières.

Emmanuelle a triomphé de nombreux défis personnels et émotionnels. Sa capacité à surmonter ces épreuves la rend encore plus admirable. Elle est une véritable élue de Dieu, une idole pour beaucoup de femmes qui voient en elle une source d'inspiration et de réconfort. Beaucoup s’identifient à elle, reconnaissant en elle les mêmes traits et difficultés qu'elles ont vécus. Sa force intérieure et sa foi inébranlable lui ont permis de transformer ses challenges en opportunités de croissance et de réussite.

Inspiratrice de Rêves : Emmanuelle a prouvé à beaucoup de femmes que l’on peut élever des enfants en bas âge tout en réalisant ses rêves. Elle est un exemple vivant que la maternité n’est pas un frein, mais une force qui peut être utilisée pour propulser ses ambitions. En combinant charme, intelligence et persévérance, elle incarne la modernité et le dynamisme des femmes d'aujourd'hui.

En honorant Emmanuelle Keïta, nous célébrons toutes les femmes qui refusent de choisir entre leur vie de famille et leurs rêves professionnels. Nous célébrons la détermination, la passion et l’amour inconditionnel. Emmanuelle, par son exemple, éclaire le chemin de nombreuses femmes, prouvant qu'il est possible de tout avoir : des enfants heureux, une carrière épanouissante, et une vie de rêve.

Merci, Emmanuelle Keïta, d'être cette lumière et cette source d'inspiration pour nous toutes.

#EmmanuelleKeïta#ForceFéminine #Inspiration #MaternitéEtCarrière #RêvesRéalisés #Conférencière #Influenceuse #FashionPolice #NCI #Résilience #FemmeModerne #MamanSexy #ÉducationEtSuccès #ÉlueDeDieu #IdoleFéminine #ekaland #laking

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Saturday, 20 July 2024


Jocelyn Dumas has truly excelled in the realm of personal branding over the years, establishing herself as a remarkable example of dedication, creativity, and strategic vision. Her journey is a testament to the power of personal branding and how it can transform one's career and influence.

From the beginning, Jocelyn understood the importance of defining and cultivating her unique identity. She meticulously crafted a brand that resonates authenticity, professionalism, and a deep connection with her audience. Her ability to consistently present her values, skills, and vision has set her apart in a crowded and competitive landscape.

One of the key elements of Jocelyn's success is her unwavering commitment to quality. Whether through her engaging social media presence, insightful TV show, or  public speaking engagements, she always delivers content that is not only relevant but also adds significant value to her followers. This dedication to providing exceptional content has helped her build a loyal and engaged community.

Jocelyn's personal branding journey is also marked by her strategic use of various platforms. She understands that different platforms cater to different audiences and has mastered the art of tailoring her message to fit each one while maintaining a cohesive brand identity. Her presence on social media is dynamic, engaging, polished and informative, and her public appearances are impactful and memorable.

Networking and collaboration have also played a crucial role in Jocelyn's branding success. She has forged meaningful connections with influencers, industry leaders, and her audience, creating a robust network that amplifies her reach and impact. These relationships are built on mutual respect and a shared passion for excellence, further solidifying her brand's credibility and influence, hence resulting exclusive business with companies like Samsung Ghana, Range Rover Ghana etc...

Jocelyn’s adaptability and willingness to embrace change have kept her brand fresh and relevant. In an ever-evolving digital landscape, she continuously updates her strategies, explores new trends, and leverages emerging technologies to stay ahead of the curve. This proactive approach ensures that her brand not only stays current but also sets new standards in the industry.

Jocelyn is true to herself and her values, and this genuine approach resonates deeply with her audience. By sharing her personal stories, challenges, and successes, she creates a relatable and inspiring narrative that empowers others to pursue their own dreams with confidence.

Jocelyn Dumas  has set a high standard for personal branding and continues to inspire. Her journey is a powerful reminder of what can be achieved with dedication, creativity, and a clear vision.

#JocelynDumas #PersonalBranding #SuccessStory #Inspiration #Authenticity #StrategicVision #QualityContent #Networking #DigitalMarketing #Influence #Leadership #BrandIdentity #Adaptability #Professionalism

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Friday, 19 July 2024


C'est avec une profonde tristesse que nous avons appris le décès du père de Sidiki Diabaté, le maître malien de la KORA. Ce grand homme était un pilier de la musique culturelle, un véritable gardien des traditions et un artiste exceptionnel qui a su inspirer des générations par son talent et sa passion.

À Sidiki Diabaté et à toute sa famille, nous adressons nos sincères condoléances. Puisse-t-il reposer en paix et que sa mémoire soit honorée à jamais. RIP 🙏🙏

#Condoléances #SidikiDiabaté #Kora #MusiqueMali #Culture #Hommage #Respect #MémoireEternelle

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Tuesday, 16 July 2024

🌟 Kate Henshaw, the timeless Nigerian actress💝

 🌟 Kate Henshaw, the timeless Nigerian actress, continues to captivate us with her incredible talent and ageless beauty. For decades, she has graced our screens with multiple roles, yet she remains as youthful and vibrant as ever. It's like she's discovered the secret to eternal youth! Kate, a devoted mother, philanthropist, actress, and entrepreneur, exemplifies what true self-care and fulfillment look like. She shows us all the beauty of a well-rounded, flourishing woman.

Kate Henshaw is a shining example of what it means to take care of oneself and live life to the fullest. 

#KateHenshaw #TimelessBeauty #AgelessWonder #Inspiration #SelfCare #Philanthropy #Actress #Entrepreneur #Empowerment #NigerianPride #WomenInFilm #EternalYouth #empowersuccessinafrica

Sunday, 24 May 2020


Cameroon has been going through turbulences for over 4 years today! And as Kibonen emphasizes in her video! we are the ones to bring the peace and unity needed for Cameroon ! There is something that strikes me when you get to speak to people who have reached a certain level of success; humility ! Despite all the success and celebrity status, Kibonen Nfi still doesn’t forget where she comes from and doesn’t belittle anybody who approaches her.

Friday, 22 May 2020

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

WOMAN the movie will be premiering very soon at Houston Texas

Hey Guys good evening, it is no news the movie WOMAN will be premiering very soon at Houston Texas. The count down has begin and producer Goretti Etchu-Egbe is keeping busy with numerous interviews from lead bloggers, radio and TV stations in the USA. In just 20mins she will be on African Fiesta 53 and the
Line-up is as folloows: Ivan Namme (Journalist/actor/Entrepreneur), Goretti Etchu-Egbe (Film producer/actress), Clementine Mofor (Public speaker/filmmaker), Tafor Ateh (Drama specialist/actor/varsity lecturer), Sweetie Pie (Super Model/entertainment promoter), etc…Join them in 20 mins at t

Monday, 4 July 2016

American based Cameroonian motivational and inspirational afro-pop singer; Eddy Bee, has released the visuals for his new single.

This one is titled ‘Thank You.’ It is meant to uplift your spirit with a message that would initiate an attitude of humility and gratitude in your heart.

The video was directed by American based video director: MT Muna.
In the words of Eddy Bee: “At every level of your journey in life’s wilderness,
genuine worship will give you a gracious heart and a gracious heart will take you

Eddy Bee- Biography

Eddy Besong AKA Eddy Bee AKA Mr R&B is a talented Cameroonian R&B/Afrobeat artist with a diverse blend and style of music. Music has basically been a part of Eddy since he was as young as he can remember. As a young student in Sasse College, he was known for his singing prowess as part of a boy group/choir. Moving to the United States further brought out the passion for singing and making great music and melodies. He has been in the music scene since 2009, releasing a mixtape in 2010 as part of a trio group called Avinu C including Naomi ‘The Queen of Bamenda’ Achu and H ‘The Hot Spitter’ Bolo. The Mixtape "The Camerican Dream" had great reviews among local critics and Eddy Bee soon continued a solo career. 

In December 2014, Mr R&B released his first official single and Video after completing his graduate degree. The result was a smooth R&B/AfroR&B/Afrobeat blend titled "I Want To Marry You" which was an instant favorite among local DJs and wedding playlists. The video for the single was shot in Atlanta, Georgia in a beautiful state park complete with waterfalls amid lush autumn colors, beautiful dancers and models. 

On May 30th 2016 he released his second single titled "Thank You" which is currently in rotation. It is meant to uplift your spirit with a message that would initiate an attitude of humility and gratitude in your heart. 

He is currently working on his debut album slated to be released later this year titled "The Eddy Bee Show". The album will draw on the diversity of the artist's music style consisting of a blend of African, World, Gospel and American R&B music. The album will also feature some surprise collaboration with certain artistes. It will be a pure representation of GOOD MUSIC!! 

Keep up with Eddy Bee on social media:

Click below to watch and be inspired:

School drop-out; Stanis, ready to become Cameroon's rap king as he signs record deal with Calabash Music Group.

Cameroon's new international music label, Calabash Music, has announced the signing of its first hip hop artist, StanisBorn Chi Tata Stanislas in Bamenda, in 1988, Stanis 'Le Dragon' is a Buea-based guitarist, rapper and singer from a family of five.

Stanis' music can be described as Afro-trap.He attended primary and secondary school in Yaounde and Douala , which has enabled him to express himself and sing perfectly in English and French. But he was forced to drop out of University of Yaoundé 2 (Soa) because of financial difficulties.

Having nothing to turn to, he poured his emotions into music, and started recording demos in Buea. One of his songs fell in the hands of Cornel, a South African based Cameroonian music
producer signed to Calabash Music.

The A&R committee at Calabash auditioned his music and were impressed by his versatility, singing and rapping ability, inimitable rhythms and hard punch lines. After a couple of meetings at Calabash Music offices in Akwa Douala, a deal was reached
with Calabash Music’s A&R, Wax Dey.
Stanis joins Calabash Music raring to take over the Cameroonian hip hop scene.

“Calabash Music is really excited to have such a talented rapper on board - we shall move swiftly to release material we are working on because Cameroon is hungry for new talent that can be sold to the world.", says Clarisse Ndinge, Calabash Music publicist.
"I write my music with the help of a guitar, but my rap music is very commercial-oriented. I make music for the masses and I'm ready to take over. My team is fire. Cameroonian hip hop
will not be the same after Stanis - so watch this space", says Stanis.

Monday, 20 June 2016


Once people reach the minimun level of success and recognition you almost expect them to change. With so much attention, it can be easy to fall into the traps of arrogance and obnoxiousness. However, although there are plenty of stuck-up stars, there are also plenty who haven’t let the fame go to their heads. These people have managed to stay grounded in an industry that tries to force them to be otherwise. Whether it be donating to charity, spending time with fans, or just flat-out being a good person, these people seem to have a pretty good understanding of what’s really important in life. As a result, they have gained the love and respect of millions. One who falls in this category is the beautiful Solange Yijika.

At Empower Success in Africa we want our stars to be STARS, all capital letters. Solange Yijika is someone who is known and recognised not only around Cameroon but Africa as a whole. She is a multiple award-winning actress, and a Box Office star; with films like DECODED staring along side Van Vicker; ROSE ON THE GRAVE staring along side Mega super star Lady Ponce, Syndy Emade and Epule Jeffery. Although she has traversed a vast range of different film types and roles, it is her latest incarnation as one of the promoter and ambassador of the CAMEROON INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (side by side Ramsey Noah) that has truly thrust her into the African limelight.

Despite not having a proffessional acting background, Solange has managed to turn her life into an incredible atress success story. I don't think this boils down to just sheer good luck, attractive looks, or superior acting talent. I think that Solange has consistently managed to effectively leverage all her talents and capabilities through the years, and this boils down to sheer determination. If she needs to be charming, she can be. If she needs to be flirty or coquettish, she can be. If she needs to be aggressive or argumentative, she can be. If at any time she needs to hone her acting skills, she can. In fact, I think this is one of the traits that Solange has but that she plays down, and it may not be highly visible to the world. But if you evaluate all her personal, education and professional accomplishments, it becomes highly apparent that she is clearly a highly determined and motivated individual, it is really not all just down to sheer luck. She is approaching nearly 12 films and short videos to her credit. But, unlike other actresses or actors, if you take a look at the substantive content of her films, they are all very different to each other. From her earlier work to the recent, Solange Yijika has seemingly been determined to challenge herself to play very different characters in each role. Not only this, but in each role you can see that she was determined to portray the character as best as she could, and this shows on screen - she is not content to simply cash a pay cheque all the time.

Complete beauty; I am not referring to physical beauty here, which of course Solange has in overabundance, what I am talking about is what I call "complete beauty". For instance, some people may be physically beautiful, but I hate to say it, they may in reality be shallow or self-centred, or they may be arrogant or bitchy. For me, complete beauty is people just knowing that that person is just a completely beautiful person, inside and out, in everything they say or do, in the way they interact with people, or look after their own. They may not have started out like that, they may not even always be like that every second of every day, but at least most of the time they have become a person of complete beauty. This is not to say that they are completely perfect, but that they continually reflect high levels of positive human behavioural traits. Solange has slowly but surely managed to transcend herself from being a person of pure physical beauty, to someone who radiates complete beauty.

I think there is a great deal we can learn from her and who she is.

Saturday, 18 June 2016


When talent is accompanied with humility, only an explosive recognition can be the possible outcome: beauty, classiness, a Clooney-esque desire to show case her talent by working extremely hard even if it means getting arrested by the worst comment from people who believe in their little minds that beauty alone is talent— perhaps the most important one is this: humility and authenticity.
At Empower Success in Africa we want our stars to be STARS, all capital letters and lit up in neon. But we also want them to be just like us. Humility is another word for humble. To be humble is to have a low opinion of oneself, especially when others have a higher opinion of one. There are talented people that are humble enough to think that everyone should live a good life. And one who fits into the category of humble talent is Reneta Nwonori Ndisang.
Knowing you has always been a great pleasure.  May the Lord all mighty grant your heart desire and nourish your creativity.

Thursday, 16 June 2016


It is no secret that Kenya is one of the hottest spots to grab a great coffee in Africa.

With the recent boom in roasteries and coffee shops there, more and more professional baristas are making an impression.

Standing out above the rest is 26-year-old Martin Shabaya, who recently won the Africa Barista Championships, and is now headed to Ireland to represent Kenya at the World Championships.

But despite all his successes, it turns out drinking coffee is not even his cup of tea.

Wax Dey – 360 Degrees Album out now!

Award winning artiste and entrepreneur; Wax Dey, releases his new album titled; ‘360 Degrees. The album; 360 Degrees, is a bundle of melodies. It encompasses African music in many ways than one can say. Wax Dey succeeded to fuse music genres from all regions of Africa in this one album. It comprises of ‘House’ from South Africa, ‘Afro-beat’ from West Africa, ‘Zouk’ from the Carribeans, ‘Makossa’ from Cameroon, ‘Njang’ from Cameroon and ‘RnB’ and ‘Hip Hop’ from the West. Wax Dey reveals his soul in the album. He translates the influences he has gathered from the different places he has visited in Africa and the world in this album in a soulful way that is contagious.
The album has 11 tracks with collaborations from top artistes all over Africa; Yemi Alade, Omawumi, Banky W, Runtown, Kayswitch, and Shaydee from Nigeria; Cassper Nyovest, Nasty C, Simphiwe Dana, Lection, Jaden and Ruff Sketch from South Africa; and Stanis from Cameroon. He says the album was inspired by his collaborations with all these artistes.
It was first launched a couple of weeks ago via his record label; Calabash Music, in Nigeria, and then it was launched in Douala as well. There will be an album signing party on the 8th of July. Stay tuned for updates! In the meantime do well to purchase the album. It is available at all music distribution sales points in the country at a cost price of 1000frs, and on all digital music sites as well.

Monday, 13 June 2016


White-on-white always feels fresh indeed. We can't get enough of Cameroon celebrities deep rooted in nollywood. The Style Scribe Joan Ngomba styled her white  jeans by pairing with a crisp white blazer and nude bag; she masters a light and airy take on a casual chic denim look. On the other hand, When I first noticed  Xtie Becca popping up in street style roundups, I was taken back by how different her style was from the usual crowd: opting for sneakers over everything and seamlessly merging urban and quirky pieces in the style of Rihanna. I must say her spring look is appealing.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Well well, Toolz talks about her coming soon wedding

The host of the popular show The Juice who had her introduction last week, poored all her emotions out on her website. Below are her words...
"Ishhh is getting real!! Can’t believe I’m going to be a married woman, it’s all so terribly grown up lol. I didn’t want to put up anything on my site, but I’m trying to make it a bit more personal, so let’s see how this goes. Anyhoo, so on Saturday 5th September, I had my introduction. This is where the families of the bride and groom officially meet. We had expected about 100 people, I hear there were about 250 people there! Eeek! I didn’t sleep well the night before, because I was so nervous and I really didn’t know what to expect. I’ve been to events like this before, but I’m generally in a corner somewhere just observing.
Today the attention was all on me…and that was so unnerving! I’m used to being on stage, but then work-mode has been activated, so in my mind its all about work.

I was so nervous, couldn’t eat…also because I was paranoid that I would get food stuck in my braces and would end up having lots of pictures with efo (spinach) hanging from my teeth lol.
I worked myself up so much that I ended up developing a nervous tick. My right eye twitched for hours and I could barely stop myself from freaking out….but when I saw him aka Bae the twitching stopped…(and the crowd went awwww!)

All thanks to God!
Much love to family and friends for making it all happen, looking forward to Part 2 & 3!
A big thank you to:
Valerie Davids for the dress she ‘built’ for me
Lois of Prospotted Makeover for the make-up
Lush Jewels for the jewelry
Itunu Fabrics & Bimmms

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Actress and super model Synthia Emade has had her engagement called off by her striker man Clinton Nje

According to a close source, the multitalented Cameroonian beauty Synthia Emade and the striker Nje Clinton call off their engagement three weeks to traditional wedding.

Although not yet confirmed by her PR team and herself, the rumour goes on to reveal further that the reason behind the sudden call off of their wedding was because, Nje Clinton found out Synthia Emade was still  seeing her ex boyfriend .

From further investigations, I ask, could she be pregnant? There is reason to believe the richest guy maybe the  father to Synthia Emade's unborn child.

We tried contacting the striker but still no comment from him or management team as he is buzy settling in his new team; Tottenham Hotspur just completed the signing of this Cameroon international Clinton Nje.

As for the miss heritage, she is buzy promoting her new movie "smokesScreen" which she co-produced and stared in. This self proclaimed movie will air on Cameroon's national television CRTV.

We are still awaiting further outcome from our ongoing investigation and feedback from her PR TEAM. We will keep you updated.



💫 Le libre arbitre dans la spiritualité africaine occupe une place essentielle. Il nous rappelle que, bien que nous soyons influencés par n...