
Showing posts with label Africa News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Africa News. Show all posts

Wednesday, 7 August 2024

🎉🇨🇮 Bonne fête d'Indépendance, Côte d'Ivoire ! 🇨🇮🎉

 🎉🇨🇮 Bonne fête d'Indépendance, Côte d'Ivoire ! 🇨🇮🎉

Aujourd'hui, le 7 août 2024, nous célébrons avec fierté les 64 ans de l'indépendance de la chère patrie. C'est une journée pour se rappeler de la riche histoire, des héros nationaux, et la beauté de la diversité culturelle.

Depuis 1960, le pays a traversé des défis et des victoires, et aujourd'hui, continue à avancer vers un avenir prometteur. Que cette journée soit un moment de réflexion sur les différents accomplissements et une inspiration pour bâtir une Côte d'Ivoire encore plus forte et unie.

À tous mes frères et sœurs ivoiriens, je souhaite une journée remplie de joie, de paix et de solidarité. Continuons à œuvrer ensemble pour le développement et le rayonnement de la nation.

Vive la Côte d'Ivoire, vive l’indépendance ! 🇨🇮❤️

#FêteNationale #CotedIvoire #Indépendance64

Sunday, 28 July 2024

🔥Aliko Dangote: Le milliardaire nigérian en pleine tourmente dénonce une mafia pétrolière🔥

Aliko Dangote, le milliardaire nigérian le plus riche d'Afrique, est actuellement au cœur d'une controverse majeure. Le magnat du pétrole, dont la fortune et les réalisations dans l'industrie pétrolière sont bien connues, a récemment dénoncé l'existence d'une mafia puissante qui tente de saboter ses efforts et ses projets dans le secteur pétrolier.

Wednesday, 24 July 2024

🚨⛪️Samuel Eto'o, le Président de la #FECAFOOT, accompagné de Roger Milla🚨⛪️


🚨⛪️🚨⛪️ Samuel Eto'o, le Président de la #FECAFOOT, accompagné de Roger Milla, a procédé ce mardi à la remise de 480 ballons de futsal. Ce matériel est destiné aux points focaux régionaux et aux clubs de futsal à travers tout le pays. Cette initiative arrive à point nommé, alors que les finales régionales battent leur plein et que les finales nationales sont programmées pour début août. Après plus d'une décennie en hibernation, la discipline futsal connaît une véritable renaissance.

#FECAFOOT #Futsal #SamuelEtoo #RogerMilla #Sport #Cameroun #Football

Sunday, 21 July 2024

🦁🇨🇲Samuel Eto'o : Un Engagement sans Précédent pour la Sécurité des Footballeurs Camerounais.🦁🇨🇲

Samuel Eto'o continue de prouver qu'il n'est pas seulement une légende sur le terrain, mais aussi un leader engagé en dehors des stades. Aujourd'hui, il annonce avec fierté une initiative révolutionnaire : le versement de 50 millions de francs CFA à la Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance Sociale (CNPS) pour l'assurance vie des footballeurs camerounais. 

Un Geste Historique pour la Protection des Joueurs

Dès son entrée en fonction à la tête de la Fédération Camerounaise de Football (FECAFOOT), Eto'o a tenu à assurer la protection et la sécurité de tous les joueurs. Ce versement de 50 millions de francs CFA à la CNPS garantit que, en cas de blessure grave comme une fracture, la CNPS prendra en charge les frais médicaux au nom de la FECAFOOT. Cela marque une avancée majeure vers une organisation digne des meilleures fédérations occidentales.

Une Question d'Avenir

"Est-ce que ça résistera longtemps après moi ? L'avenir nous le dira", a déclaré Samuel Eto'o. Cette question reflète son souci de pérennité et de durabilité de cette initiative. Eto'o souhaite que cet engagement soit le début d'une tradition de protection des joueurs, qui se poursuivra bien au-delà de son mandat.

Samuel Eto'o démontre, une fois de plus, son dévouement à l'amélioration du football camerounais, en prenant des mesures concrètes pour la sécurité et le bien-être des joueurs. Ce geste historique est un exemple à suivre et un espoir pour un avenir meilleur et plus sécurisé pour tous les footballeurs du Cameroun.

#SamuelEtoo #FECAFOOT #CNPS #SécuritéDesJoueurs #FootballCamerounais #Engagement #Leadership #Protection #Football #Cameroun #LégendeVivante #Pérennité.

Thursday, 18 July 2024

💝La présence affective des deux parents est cruciale pour l'épanouissement et le succès d'un enfant 🔥

C'est officiel ! Kylian Mbappé a signé avec le Real Madrid après avoir brillé sur les terrains du Paris Saint-Germain. 🎉⚽ Mais ce qui a marqué cette cérémonie, c'est la présence émotive de ses parents, présents à ses côtés, soutenant chaque moment de cette nouvelle étape.

La présence affective des deux parents dans la vie d'un enfant est inestimable. Elle forge le caractère, renforce la confiance en soi et inspire à atteindre des sommets impressionnants. Kylian en est un parfait exemple. Avec l'amour et le soutien de ses parents, il a su transformer son talent en une carrière exceptionnelle.

Leur soutien indéfectible montre combien la famille est cruciale pour l'épanouissement et le succès d'un enfant. C'est une belle leçon de vie pour nous tous. Bravo à Kylian Mbappé pour cette nouvelle aventure et un immense respect pour ses parents qui l'ont guidé jusqu'ici.

#KylianMbappe #RealMadrid #FamilySupport #ParentsPresence #SuccessStory #Inspiration #Football #ParisSaintGermain #NewJourney #ParentalLove

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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

🇨🇲SE le président PAUL BIYA: Critiques désormais interdites – une réalité bien tangible🇨🇲

Dans une mesure qui peut sembler sortie tout droit d’un scénario dystopique, il est désormais interdit de critiquer SE Paul BIYA. Non, ce n’est pas une exagération. Pour ceux qui résident ou séjournent dans le département du Mfoundi, où se trouve la capitale Yaoundé, toute critique à l'encontre du chef de l'État, des institutions de la République et de leurs représentants est strictement prohibée. Le non-respect de cette interdiction entraînera une expulsion pure et simple de la région.

Lord d'une conférence de presse récente, Emmanuel-Mariel Djikdent a dévoilé un arrêté préfectoral qui stipule clairement que Yaoundé, ainsi que l'ensemble du département de Mfoundi, appliquera désormais cette règle draconienne. Les résidents et visiteurs doivent se conformer à cette nouvelle directive ou risquer l’interdiction de séjour.

Cette annonce a été relayée par divers médias, confirmant ainsi la gravité de la situation. La liberté d'expression semble être fortement compromise dans cette partie du pays, où le moindre mot de travers peut vous coûter cher. 

Ce développement soulève de nombreuses questions sur l'état de la démocratie et des droits de l'homme. Jusqu'où ira ce musellement des voix dissidentes ? Seul l'avenir nous le dira. Pour l'instant, les habitants et les visiteurs du département du Mfoundi n'ont d'autre choix que de s'abstenir de toute critique sous peine de sévères répercussions.

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Sunday, 24 May 2020


Cameroon has been going through turbulences for over 4 years today! And as Kibonen emphasizes in her video! we are the ones to bring the peace and unity needed for Cameroon ! There is something that strikes me when you get to speak to people who have reached a certain level of success; humility ! Despite all the success and celebrity status, Kibonen Nfi still doesn’t forget where she comes from and doesn’t belittle anybody who approaches her.

Friday, 22 May 2020

MOTIVATION E1S5/ FAILURE : The formula for success? Double your rate of failure.

For any great achievement that every successful person has earned, they have had exponentially more failures. Failures are lessons of future successes, but many people don’t always see failure in a positive light.

MOTIVATION S1E6/ FAILURE AND HUMILITY: Acknowledge failure and making it matter by cultivating

If you examine the life of anyone who has achieved something extraordinary, chances are you'll find a story of failure somewhere along the way. While not all failures have a happy ending, most happy endings have a failure story. So, rather than viewing failure as an embarrassment, or shameful, or something to be endured, acknowledging failure and making it matter by cultivating humility can actually make your life better

MOTIVATION S1E8 - PARENTING(Raising our boys to be feminists):

I wouldn't say raising a son to be feminists/gentleman is effortless, it's definitely not rocket science. Little things go a long way if you put them in place from the very beginning.

Monday, 30 March 2020

Ghana 🇬🇭 : 😍La femmes la plus stylées du continent : Samira Bawumia.

 Elle est mon idole 😍!!
En plus d’être brillante et engagée pour la bonne cause, elle est belle, naturelle et stylée (en wax, svp !) Une véritable icône de la mode africaine de par son style vestimentaire !!! Elle c’est Madame Samira Bawumia, l’épouse du vice-président ghanéen, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, la deuxième dame au Ghana.

Thursday, 12 July 2018

'Will the gamble pay off' with the ruling party?: The presidential election of 7 October 2018 in Cameroon

Presidential elections will be held in Cameroon on 7 October 2018, in spite of the recrudescence of violence in the Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon. It is true in many parts of the world Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, South Sudan – elections have been carried out in societies marked by armed conflict. However, elections held in political chaos and economic distress, particularly in the current crisis, is a huge gamble and likely to be particularly dangerous.

More important than the individual candidates who will be elected, the voter participation rate will be key to this election. This is because there are a lot of eligible voters living outside the territory as refugees in neighboring Nigeria, and others living in places besieged by the so called terrorists, and others who have died but are yet to be accounted for. Taking into account these factors, the participation rate will definitely be much lower in these regions.
Since to reenact a one and indivisible Cameroon shall not be to accomplish the impossible task of convincing all of our people to abandon violence, but to accomplish the essential task of convincing enough people to abandon the belief that violence is ever legitimate, election days will come and go but our common struggle to create a government which represents all of us and not just a privileged few - a government based on the principles of economic, social, political and environmental justice and equality - that struggle will always continue.
In the meantime, it is hard not to contemplate the timing and the opportunity of this election. The secessionist movement in Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon have for more than 50 years had this obsession that their Utopia of a State (Ambazonia) was supposed to be independent on the 1stOctober 1961, the date Southern Cameroons actually obtained her independence by joining the Republic of Cameroon. Hence the tradition of manifesting that desire for freedom, is perpetrated from generation to generation and we recall the unfortunate incidents of 1stOctober 2017. The police and military forces fired life ammunitions on unarmed civilians during a non-violent peaceful protest across the Northwest and Southwest regions to commemorate that symbolic ‘independence’ day. As many as 17 people were reported dead by Amnesty International and this was the turning point that marked the beginning of the cycle of violence that has led to this dreadful armed conflict which has registered several casualties both among the civilian population and the regular armed forces; caused thousands more to be displaced from their homes; and several villages and property have been consumed in flames. 

Bearing this in mind it is evidently clear that the commemoration of 1stOctober 2018 by the secessionists in the Northwest and Southwest regions shall not be an exception, that is a few days to the elections of 7thOctober 2018.  But this time around as compared to the previous years, the balance of power has changed. The government forces will have to deal not with unarmed innocent civilian in various the townships of the Anglophone regions of Cameroon, but they are already facing an armed rebellious militia insurgency determined to march on into Buea and declare the official independence of the Republic of Ambazonia on the 1stOctober 2018 even at the cost of their tears, blood and sweat
Therefore, the big question is by convening the electoral body on the 7thOctober 2018 how will the government exercise its authority in those key municipalities such as Mamfe, Kumba, Muyuka,Ekona, Bamemda where these groups have created porches of resistance which has strongly hampered the smooth running of the administration by the local government authorities appointed by President Biya for the past one year? How does the government guarantee the organization of credible election in a climate of heightened insecurity and serious tensions all over the national territory? How will the government protect the safety of polling agents, observers from national and international bodies who may want to scrutinize the free and fair process of this election in those high risk zones?

There never is a good time for tough decisions. There was always supposed to be an election or something else. Governance is also about taking tough, even unpopular decisions but to finalize, the purpose of an election is to hear the will of the people and not to fabricate votes. Several millions of Cameroonians will be disenfranchised during this election as a result of this conflict either because they are refugees in Nigeria; internally displaced; or are living in those zones were the secessionist warlords are imposing their reign of terror. In the end this election is a test of our resolve as a people to either continue to contribute in a politics of cynicism or a politics of hope. As Franklin D. Roosevelt said: in politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. Organizing elections within this context is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate either the continuing confidence in the leadership of the President at a turning point in this conflict, or a total rejection of a system which many consider as the root cause of the frustrations of the majority of Cameroonians from North to South, from East to West and not just the Anglophones. It suffices therefore to say that this presidential election is defiantly called by the Biya regime as an exercise in national sovereignty, the point being to show the to the world, especially the fickle International Community and those who have waged the nearly one-year long insurrection against Cameroon, that Cameroonians are united in the belief that Cameroonians, and only Cameroonians, will decide the fate and future of Cameroon.

Let us watch and see if the gamble pays off. 

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Exclusive VIDEO Interview with Cameroon's Youngest Female Entrepreneur ETONDE ...

Africa should take advantage of its youth demographic dividend to push young entrepreneurs to contribute to the continent's economic transformation. This has been the subject on every political speech, the seductive magnet in election campaigns, and the chorus in many economic write-ups, but yet finance remains the biggest barrier to entry resulting to a large informal entrepreneurship at the bottom of the African economic pyramid. There is a lot on the WHY? but soo little on the HOW? In Cameroon, the youngest successful female entrepreneur Etonde Martin has made it her mission to see into these challenges and came up with solutions to reducing the barrier to entry. The EMPOWER SUCCESS IN AFRICA team caught up with her and we were delighted to have an exclusive in-depth interview with the brain behind SIPEC empire . Stay Empowered and Happy New Year 2018.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016


Police in Zimbabwe have arrested a pastor after he posted several messages on social media, calling on people to protest police brutality and some of the government’s economic measures.

Evan Mawarire was arrested Tuesday ahead of a planned two-day protest, which the clergyman has been promoting with the hashtag ‪#‎SHUTDOWNZIMBABWE‬.

Mawarire is increasingly known in the country as “This Flag Pastor”; he constantly wears a Zimbabwean flag around his neck and uses the popular “‪#‎ThisFlag‬” Twitter hashtag.

His campaign is supported by a group calling itself "Tajamuka/Isijikile" – Shona for “we have revolted.” It also is calling on Zimbabweans to strike beginning Wednesday.


Representatives of five parties that participated in Burundi's general election boycotted a second round of peace talks in the northern Tanzanian city of Arusha on Tuesday.

Burundi has been mired in crisis that has killed more than 450 people since President Pierre Nkurunziza pursued and won a third term last year. Opponents said his move violated the constitution and a peace deal that ended a civil war in 2005.

Dialogue in Bujumbura last year between the government and opponents failed to bridge differences, and talks mediated by Uganda earlier this year also swiftly stalled.

The five parties were unhappy over the decision of the mediator, former Tanzanian President Benjamin Mkapa, to invite Burundians accused of human rights violations and involvement in an attempted coup against Nkurunzinza in May 2015.

The five parties, FNL, FROLINA, PIEBU ABANYESHAKA, RADEBU and FRODEBU are concerned by the inclusion of Pacifique Nininahazwe of FOCODE party, Armel Ningoyere from ACT party in Burundi and Minani Jean in the dialogue.

"We are very surprised by their inclusion in the dialogue after all the humanitarian crisis they caused in Burundi," Jean Didier Mutabazi, RADEBU's president, told reporters at the venue of the talks. "We don't see the point of continuing with the dialogue."


U.N. humanitarian workers report finding severe acute malnutrition and famine-like conditions in Nigeria's Borno state, where Boko Haram terrorists are making it even harder to grow crops.
A report this week from the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said the Borno refugee camps are in hard-to-reach areas where fighting makes it difficult to provide aid.
OCHA said 275,000 people are living in 15 camps.
Nigeria declared a food-and-nutrition emergency in Borno last month, prompting the U.N. to send $13 million in emergency aid.
Unpredictable rainfall and poor environmental conditions along with the Boko Haram insurgency have created a state of what the U.N. calls food insecurity in the Lake Chad Basin, which includes parts of Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger.
The fight against Boko Haram in northeastern Nigeria has gone on since 2009. More than 20,000 people have been killed, and 2.7 million have been forced to flee from the militant group


The former Burundian minister and close ally of President Pierre Nkurunziza, Hafsa Mossi was killed on Wednesday in the capital Bujumbura.

The Public Information Officer of the Burundi National Police, Pierre Nkurikiye disclosed this information via his Twitter account saying that she was killed at 10:30 am local time (8:30 am GMT).

He added that she was killed by two criminals in a vehicle at Gihosha, which is in the east of Bujumbura.

Burundi’s president Pierre Nkurunziza has reacted to the news of her killing calling it a despicable and cowardly act.

“This is a huge loss for Burundi, her family and the EAC,” Nkurunziza added in his post on Twitter.

Honourable Hafsa Mossi was the Minister of Regional Integration and East African Community Affairs in Nkurunziza’s 2010 government.

She is the current elected member of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) representing Burundi. The EALA is the legislative organ of the East African Community.

Monday, 11 July 2016


Young Ghanaian actor, Abraham Attah, who starred in the ‘Beast of No Nation’ film has earned a new role in upcoming American superhero film ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming,’

‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ is billed as the second reboot of the Spider-Man film franchise. The film expected to be released in July 2017 would be the sixteenth film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

With his new role, Attah joins Hollywood stars like Robert Downey Jr, Laura Harrier, Tom Holland, Marisa Tomei, Zendaya and Tony Revolori.

In Beast of No Nation, Attah worked with the likes of Idris Elba and director Cary Joji Fukunaga, as a child soldier.

Directed by Jon Watts and from the stables of Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios, Spider-man: Homecoming will be Attah’s first major role since the Netflix film (Beast of No Nation)

Abraham won Best Lead Actor Award in the Independent Spirits as well as the Marcello Mastroianni Award for Best Young Actor at Venice.

Reports indicate that Attah is separately attached to play one of the leads in Christian Loubek’s upcoming feature film, Buffalo, which Anonymous Content is producing.

His handlers had sparked controversy back in Ghana after they intimated that the youngster was not going to star in any local movies as was widely expected after his breakthrough in ‘Beast of No Nations.’


Ethiopia has blocked social networking sites in the country since Saturday to prevent leakage of university entrance examination to be held next week.

“This is a temporary measure until Wednesday as the social networks serve as a distraction to the students,” the government spokesman, Getachew Reda told AFP.

Last month, questions for the top examination were posted on social networks causing a national scandal leading to the cancellation of the entire exam.

The most popular social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Viber are inaccessible throughout Ethiopia since Saturday morning. Aside these sites, the internet is functioning normally.

The blockade has been criticized by Ethiopian internet users who have found a way around the ban by using the VPN (virtual private networks).

“This is a dangerous precedent. There is no transparency about who took the decision and for how long. This time it is for a few days, but next time it might be for a month,” Daniel Berhane, a blogger and the creator of the influential website “Horn Affairs” told AFP.

He added that they believe the Ethiopian authorities are seeking to test new internet filtering tools and also the reaction of the public.

Ethiopia filters internet regularly using firewalls which often slows network access.



💫 Le libre arbitre dans la spiritualité africaine occupe une place essentielle. Il nous rappelle que, bien que nous soyons influencés par n...