
Tuesday 23 October 2012

France to send drones to monitor Mali al-Qaeda

As part of an international intervention to free the west African country from al-Qaeda-backed insurgents, France is planning to send drones into Mali.  Al-Qaeda-backed insurgents control large swaths of its territory, according to reports.

 Moving the  surveillance drones to this region is part of plans with the US, According to a french defense official, the fears is that, if left unchecked, the crisis could serve as a launch pad for terrorist attacks on its own soil.
Official said France and the US were discussing plans for drones, security and intelligence-gathering in the Sahel region, . The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel showed and offered her support by saying that, Germany would be willing to train Malian forces and would consider providing ''material and logistical support''.

 A diplomatic source said the international consensus on the need for a concerted action was unprecedented: ''It is no secret that there is military planning going on. The EU is conducting a scoping mission and looking to send a training team to help train the Malian army. But the French are the nation with the most experience working [in Mali], and they see the terrorism threat more acutely than others.''

News of the intervention comes after the UN Security Council passed a resolution this month giving the Malian government and regional bloc, the Economic Community Of West African States, 45 days to formulate a plan for military action.

A bloc source said Niger, Burkina Faso and Togo had agreed to contribute to a force to reclaim the north of the country from insurgents who seized power in a coup in March.

Guardian News & Media
(October 2012)

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