
Sunday, 2 December 2012

Lady Gaga Ban On Photography At Concerts in South Africa

The South African National Editors' Forum has noted with concern the complete ban on free news media photography at the Lady Gaga Concerts in Johannesburg and Cape Town. 

Previous accepted practice at such events has been for accredited news photographers to be allowed to take pictures during the first three songs and then to withdraw. Organisers confirmed on Wednesday to SANEF members seeking accreditation that no news photography at all would be allowed.
Fans went gaga as American superstar Lady Gaga touched down at Lanseria International Airport last night ahead of the South African leg of her "Born ... 

SANEF views the decision by the organisers to only make available selected publicity photographs as a form of press censorship fundamentally in conflict with the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of media in South Africa.
This seems to be the first time that such a ban has been imposed and SANEF is seeking an urgent meeting with the organisers to explain the serious negative implications such move for media freedom. SANEF seeks to request them to reconsider the matter and to restore normal coverage facilities to news photographers seeking accreditation.

While it is clear that the Lady Gaga tour is just another commercial venture, recent controversy in South Africa regarding a number of religious and other organisations which have protested vigorously against even her very presence in the country, makes her visit a matter of real public interest, and not just "of interest" to her fans. And is it is a matter of public interest then, it is retriction prevents the freedom of media. Lady Gaga's freedom to visit South Africa and to perform regardless of any offence she may cause to those opposed to her shows, is in fact protected by the freedom of speech provisions in our constitution.

A ban on photographers or interference with journalists would immediately raise public suspicions about the integrity of reports of such events. Should this occur not only will the newspaper be harmed but so will the attraction of the event.

For God sake if they cannot prevent such in the State while in South Africa. This is looking down on African people and think they can impose what ever they can. Remember this concert is paid by fans who most are South african citizens.......

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