
Saturday, 1 December 2012

A better democracy is needed for Cameroon: Dr Christopher Fomunyoh

During the conference special November from 07 to 09, organised by la plate forme indépendante la Grande Palabre and its partners on the theme re-think and re-build the Cameroonian opposition, Dr. Chris Fomunyoh from the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in Washington emphasised the need to increase effort that will lead to the democratisation of Cameroon.

According to Dr Christopher, democracy can not flourish without active and effective opposition, if not how to capitalize the diversity of opinions, viewpoints, values ​​and perceptions of public affairs that exist in our societies. In addition, some political scientists renamed, such as Samuel Huntington have integrated the key factors of consolidation of democracy, alternating repeatedly (at least twice) to the public. He further added;  such an alternation allow those who yesterday were in the opposition, have the opportunity to manage public affairs and to put into practice some of their new ideas, while leaving those who have worked in the past the possibility of exploiting their former government experience, offering constructive criticism to improve the functioning of state institutions.

Dr Christopher believes the very concept of democracy is linked in a way intrinsic to the existence of a political opposition. Regarding Africa, although our oldest companies already complied with the principles and values ​​of democracy, it is only with the emergence of political opposition at the national level and the first alternation of power early 1990s that the modern world has seized the opportunity to recognize the efforts of democratization on the continent. In its various research, American political scientist Michael Bratton is also the enthusiasm and popular support for democracy in Africa - as elsewhere - are closely linked to the existence of alternations in the exercise of political power through elections.

Thus, the political opposition in Africa should not only be recognized but actively supported because it plays a vital role in the development of alternative political platforms, allowing citizens to explore different social projects and choose the one that is best suited to the circumstances through which each country has in place. 

It is hoped in years to come, such gathering will be reatained as a symbol that democracy was reflected and discussed by democratic participants for the greater future of Cameroon and Africa in general .

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