According to BBC Africa,
"Professor David Kabasa, the Principal of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Makerere University, Professor Sam Kyamanywa, the Principal of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at Makerere University, Dr Jimmy Pittchar of ICIPE in Kenya , and Dr Florence Lubwama Kiyimba of Uganda’a National Agricultural Research Organisation are all working to improve the productivity of farming in Africa. They joined Gareth Mitchell and Alan Kasujja in the tent at Makerere University in front of an audience to talk about the disconnect between farmers and researchers, and how this can be overcome. They also discuss the place of GM crops in Uganda, a method of farming called push pull in which pests are controlled without the need for externally applied chemicals, and the need to develop ways of processing and marketing surplus crops" follow update here BBC Africa___________________________________________________________________
Source: BBC Africa