
Monday, 22 June 2015

Do you know you can win big while voting for Stanley Enow????!!! hurry up!!

The #MamaIsComingHome video campaign is now launched! Here is what to do to be a part of it: 

1) Do a video of no more than 2 mins.
2) Say why you voted Stanley Enow FT Sarkodie for Best Collabo at MTV Africa Music Awards 2015.
3) Tell others to go vote and give them the link:
4) Don't forget to say the hashtag - MAMA IS COMING HOME at the end of your video.
5) Upload the video on any of these social media platforms (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) with the hashtag #MamaIsComingHome

3 winners will be selected at the end of the voting period based on their video views. 

Trois (03) gagnants seront sélectionnés en fonction des vues de leurs vidéos. Bonne chance!


La campagne ‪#‎MamaIsComingHome‬ est lancée! Voici les conditions à remplir pour y participer : 

1) Postez une VIDEO de deux minutes au plus. 
2) Dites pourquoi vous avez voté Stanley Enow FT Sarkodie comme Meilleure Collabo aux MTV Africa Music Awards 2015.
3) Invitez vos proches à voter en précisant le lien :
4) Pensez à mentionner le hashtag - MAMA IS COMING HOME à la fin de votre vidéo. 
5) Téléchargez la vidéo sur un de ces réseaux sociaux (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) avec le hashtag #MamaIsComingHome.



Saturday, 20 June 2015

Keep your votes coming for the Cameroon king of pop Stanley Enow

A message from his manager: Good day dear all. Motherland Empire & STANLEY ENOW wish you HAPPY WEEKEND

We are pleased to update you about Cameroon's Urban Music Sensation,  STANLEY ENOW's,  renomination @ the prestigious MAMA MTV AWARD 2015. 

Thanks to your patriotic and unconditional support The Bayangui Boy is the first Cameroonian to be nominated and to have won an MTV AWARD (BEST NEW ACT 2014) making it double historic. One more time we are going to make history together. 

To vote please subscribe on MTV Base's website below:


You can vote once every hour. You can vote as many 20 times per day. You may invite others to vote as well.

The Award Ceremoney will take place in Johannesburg South Africa in July 2015. 

More Blessings on Blessings to you my brethren. 🙏🙏🙏


Friday, 19 June 2015

FACT: Cameroon is amoung the most competitive countries in Africa


Despite all odds, Cameroon still rises and wins the 18th place among the most competitive countries in Africa; out of a list of 38 African countries. This was featured in the fifth edition of the Report on the Competitiveness of Africa. The study conducted which led to this astonishing result was published on 04 June 2015, and launched in Cape Town, South Africa, during the holding of the World Economic Forum for Africa between the 2nd to the 5th June.

The ranking results presented in this year's Report on the Competitiveness of Africa between 2014-2015, under the theme " transforming African economies" , was based on data from the Forum's Global Competitiveness Index (MHI) of the Forum, mostly known as the " Global Competitiveness Index " ( GCI). This index considered the performance of 144 countries globally this year , of which Cameroon regresses in the rankings globally; 116th in 2015, he lost one place compared to the ICM 2013 to 2014 where he held the 115th place and four places compared to CIM 2012-2013 where he was 112th of 144 countries. According to this report, Cameroon' economy comprises of the followings: services (49.3% ), industry (31% ) and agriculture (19.7%).

"The African minority" as I will normally call it; is ahead of countries like Nigeria (27th in Africa and 127th in CIM ), Egypt (20th in Africa and 119th in the ICM ) not to forget Angola ( 35th in Africa and 140th in ICM) . Mauritius (1st in Africa and 39th globally ) acts as the best student of the continent. This state located in the Indian Ocean gained six places compared to the previous edition , where he was 45th . The firm ranked in Guinea lying 38th of 38 countries in Africa and 144th / 144 countries worldwide , behind Chad ( 143rd in Africa and 37th globally ) . In Central Africa, the CEMAC region, Gabon gains the highest ranking (12th in Africa and 106th in the world ranking).
I am sure after reading the first paragraph above, you will be wondering how did Cameroon manage to find itself at a higher ranking...? well here are the facts. In the Competitiveness Report 2014-2015 of Africa, the report commended Cameroon for their latest reforms in the public institutions field. The number of procedures to start a business in Cameroon is the key indicator  of its highest ranking ( 32nd out of 144 countries globally). Among the most worrying factors raised in Cameroon where: corruption, access to finance, inadequacy of existing infrastructure, tax regulations, tax rates, cumbersome public administration.

This report is published jointly every two years by the African Development Bank, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD). There read from me again on this matter in two years time.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Is success a final destination???

“Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.”

Most people think success is a destination you can reach. “If only I was as successful as she is.” What you don’t know is, that person you look up to is thinking the same thing. We think “making it” is a tangible status you can achieve but it isn’t?? up to you to decide.

Instead of thinking of success as a destination, think of it as a mindset. Success as a mindset means always trying your best. It means moving forward despite the obstacles. It means learning from your mistakes. It means you are always growing. Have a great ending of the week. Stay empowered always. Much Love Nadine M. Tonguem

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Mercedes-Benz Africa Fashion Festival 2015

Ghana's Mercedes-Benz Africa Fashion Festival 2015 was the place to be for many of the world’s most innovative fashion brands. Mercedes-Benz Fashion Festival is one of the one of the most celebrated fashion events in the world and this year, Ghana got the opportunity to host it within just four days under a meticulous set up with unprecedented media coverage. 

Under the theme “Celebrating Women, Eradicating Breast Cancer’, the festival will took off on May 28th and ended May 31th.  this event was broadcasted on various fashion channels across the African continent and beyond so that the leading and upcoming african fashion designers could benefit from the exposure and opportunity.

So how did Ghana got the change to host this event? All thanks to the Ghanaian company: Global Ovations Group headed by CEO  Gideon Raji,  who got the franchise to stage the Africa version of the event in Ghana this year. As predicted by Mr Gideon in his last announcement few days before the start of the festival, this event indeed brought some of the names that matter in fashion world to Ghana. 

Anrette Ngafor, A young and passionate Cameroonian designer with her well know brand Liber London made an astonishing desmonstration during her showcasing. Adhering to the theme of the event, she had her models carry posters with stricking phrases of not just inspiring messages of hope like (DONT just do it. DO IT RIGHT), but also messages reminding the continent of some of the challenges we face and what! we should all be fighting for!: PEACE not WAR.

Under the impression of ‘global community’, fashion designers from across the globe converged in Accra to celebrate fashion on a global platform. This 2015 edition was crown “The World Edition’’. Visitors had the opportunity to have a close look at the most exclusive collections, catwalk shows, and received style advice from the best fashion insiders and brands in the business. There were also talks and demonstrations, along with a selection of exclusive pop-up shops from over 50 of the world’s best-loved labels.

The organisers of Mercedes-Benz Africa Fashion Festival seeked to make the African fashion festival brand a leading global trade event and milestone for the international fashion community. Recognising the immense talent rising from all corners of Africa, it is their mission to strive to provide new opportunities for them at the global fashion industry. So, have they succeeded in making African fashion festival a leading brand through the franchising of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Festival ? time will tell, but with the world wide media coverage and subscription of the world's biggest names and brand to this years edition, it is well on the path of being a leading brand.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Daphne: Cameroon's most adorable new artist reveales her trueself in a recent interview with us.

During my recent interview with Daphne; Cameroon's most adorable new artist, she revealed her true self including the challenges of being a student and at the same time pursuing a hectic pop career. Not to forget the motivation-behing all her tracks and entire album.

According to this beauty, Bloggers and social media have been the backbone in promoting her and album. in her words "the blogger put it in your face all the time, it's through them that I skyrocketed"

On the 6th of May 2015, Daphne made a new comeback shortly after the release of her last album Reflection in 2014. This week she is the top pop act in Cameroon, rising 4-3 on the chat. This is fuelled by the start of her new single, "Gun Shut."

As a songwriter, Daphne is known for narrative songs about her personal experiences. She calls her self a teacher. Daphne's defining quality as a songwriter is a determination to register and hang onto fleeting feelings and impressions, a pre-emptive nostalgia for a present (and sometimes even a future) that she knows will some day be in the past.  she frequently includes "a tossed-off phrase to suggest large and serious things that won't fit in the song, things that enhance or subvert the surface narrative. Very few songwriters can build better bridges than she does. I will describe her personally as "a songwriting savant with an intuitive gift for verse-chorus-bridge architecture." She is a true inspiration.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Is Cameroon a press free country?

April May 3 was commemorated as World Press Freedom Day across the globe. Press freedom sends different messages and perceptions across the world and in our specific Cameroonian context; the notion of press freedom is still very different to comprehend. 

Cameroon journalists are observing press freedom day against the backdrop of what they describe as a persistent crackdown on media outlets and journalists.

Last year, at least 20 media organizations and journalists were either suspended or barred from the profession.

Peter Essoka, vice president of Cameroon’s Communication Council, said they suspended the media outlets in line with the main objective of the council, which is to regulate the practice of journalism in Cameroon. He said the decisions were based on media offense complaints filed by Cameroonians.

“There is not a single case that we have taken a decision in which the people concerned are not summoned to the council. When a complaint comes to us, we summon the people on whom the complaint has been made to come and explain and probably defend themselves, so we have no discrimination whatsoever. Everybody who is concerned about any sanctions we have given has been summoned to the council for discussion,” he said.

According to Journalist Kini Nsom of the Post newspaper, the main problem in Cameroon is the proliferation of newspapers, which he said is in no way an indication of press freedom.

Cameroon has more than 500 newspapers and 100 radio and television stations. Journalists said most of the media outfits were created by the government to give the impression there is press freedom in the country led by President Paul Biya, the world’s sixth-longest serving leader.

Sunday, 26 April 2015


Cela s’est passé sur l’île Nendjé, au cap Estérias. L’opération, qui a permis la découverte des armes de guerre, a été menée conjointement par les éléments de la gendarmerie nationale, de la marine nationale et de la brigade nautique, dans un campement de pêcheurs dans le cadre d’une opération de surveillance des eaux territoriales. Le stock d’armes en provenance d’un pays voisin était composé, entre autres, des roquettes et lance-roquettes, de 10 pistolets avec 2 560 balles, de 20 kalachnikovs avec chargeurs garnis, de 10 obus de mortiers, de 2 mortiers, de dizaines d’obus explosifs, de dizaines de grenades à main et de centaines de munitions diverses pour armes militaires. On ignore pour l’instant les destinataires de cet arsenal militaire.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015


Stop XENOPHOBIA IN S/African...I am impressed at Nigerians intrinsic freedom fighting skills. MTN must be shut down in all African countries. According to spotlight Africa, Members of The Flagship, an affiliate of Edo Civil Society Organisations on Monday stormed MTN offices in Benin City, Edo state over the killings of Nigerians in South Africa.

Also, another group led by Adeyanju Deji protested at the High Commission of South Africa in Abuja and telecommunication giant, MTN head office in the FCT.

They carried placards with inscriptions to register their anger protest against the attacks.

Some of the inscriptions read: ‘Stop attacking and killing fellow Africans in South Africa; ‘You cannot be collecting our money, yet you continue to kill us'; ‘Nigerians: Boycott South African companies; ‘We have showed South Africa and South Africans love

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Please STOP this Xenophobia on your kind S/African...!!!

STOP!!! I dare you all to not tell me about viewers sensitivity. These images should be shared as it is; this is a reality happening to us, our bothers and most of all our kind. A big shame to the leaders of S/Africa and shame to that idiot of a leader who perpetuate and instigated all this....Where are the likes of Whitney Mandela and other freedom fighters on this ...shame to the authorities,shame to the whole black race and Shame to the continent at large.....this is a clear testimony of why others see us BLACKS as sub humans....The whole continent stood by S/African during their times of struggles and now this is what they are paying back to Africa and their own kind. Mandela must be twisting in his grave at this moment...I burst into tears watching these gruesome pictures and videos... ‪#‎empowersuccessinafrica‬


Un Message pour Ceux Qui Sont Impliqués Romantiquement avec une Femme Éveillée

Ceci est un rappel important pour ceux qui partagent leur vie avec une femme éveillée. Si vous deviez comprendre une seule chose à son sujet...