Former Minister of Secondary Education , Louis BAPES BAPES , died early this morning at the General Hospital of Yaounde from an undisclosed illness. After spending over a decade at the head of this ministry , he was replaced during the ministerial reorganization which took place October 2nd last year. He was under prosecution by l’opération épervier which resulted in a 24hours questioning at the famous Nkodengui prison Yaounde.
Louis Mbapes Mbapes benefitted from his Parliamentary immunity and was granted temporary bail pending further investigation. Before prosecuting, it is necessary that the immunity be removed, usually by a superior court of justice or by the parliament itself. Meaning he was still a minister at the time of his arrest yesterday. Louis Mbapes Mbapes is the first Minister ever in Cameroon to have gone through such.
What a mistake right?????? Anyway he is dead now...Not withstanding I strongly believe Cameroon has so much ambiguity in its judical system; but I certainly not agree with the ICC.