
Saturday 30 January 2016

The Zambia Episcopal Conference has warned Zambians not to take the country’s peace for granted

Correct me here if i am wrong; but I am begining to thing politics, Catholic church, Rome, and UN are all one hiding in different umbrellas. The Zambia Episcopal Conference has warned Zambians not to take the country’s peace for granted after expressing concern about inter-party violence among supporters of political parties in the run-up to the August 11 general election.

In a letter issued on the state of the nation in 2016, the nation's Catholic bishops expressed strong opposition to what they said was the vulgar language politicians have been using against each other. The bishops said the current political culture does not reflect a maturing democracy. They faulted political leaders for failing to stop the conduct, and in some cases for fanning the flame that led party members to engage in hooliganism and violence. According to head of state Lungu, the priests want to ensure that politicians and their supporters do not disturb the country’s “oasis of peace” as parties prepare to launch their campaigns to canvass for votes ahead of the presidential, parliamentary and local elections.“We do not take peace for granted. It is a gift from God, but also a responsibility of citizens, but more so a responsibility that shoulders upon our leaders,” he said. The priests also called on the police to be impartial in the enforcement of the Public Order Act. Enforcement has often been selective, they said.

Zambian police say the Public Order act underscores the importance of groups and political parties coordinating their planned activities with the police to ensure there is peace and stability. But opposition party supporters say the police use the measure to violently suppress their meetings. They also said the police appear to be doing the bidding of the ruling Patriotic Front party, an accusation the police .

The bishops said that the police tend to favor the politicians in the ruling party, and the opposition parties are not guaranteed their well-deserved freedom of association and of peaceful political activity.”Lungu said the bishops have called on President Edgar Lungu and his government as well as the police to rise above partisan politics and to lead in the promotion of true reconciliation.

An African City will ever Take on 'Sex and the City'?

Well well well, who knew An African City will ever Take on 'Sex and the City'?
Nicole Amarteifio’s popular show about well-to-do young women in Ghana is back for a second season and make n mistake it is a storm...! The cast of 'An African City,' left to right: Esosa E., Maame Adjei, MaameYaa Boafo, Nana Mensah, and Marie Humbert. (Emmanuel Bobbie).

“There’s one story we very often hear about Africa—war, poverty, famine—but when you look at a city like Accra today, it’s really cosmopolitan, hip, and modern, and I wanted to put that version of the continent on the map,” says Nicole Amarteifio, who launched the popular show on YouTube in 2014. “I’m trying to start a different conversation.” The show’s second season, with 13 half-hour episodes, will debut onlineon January 24.

A mother hangs her two childreen

Photo sensitivity is advised please. I am not sure of the exact story details but the headlines says a woman hong her children because their father refused to ownup to his responsibilities. If true, then it is insane for a mother to do so... will clearify this story again and get back to you.

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Mercy Johnson fires back at those criticizing her for being pregnant soon after having her son

During a recent interview with Goldmyne TV, actress and mum of two: Mercy Johnson confirmed she was expecting her third child. Nonetheless, she also expressed her shock at how she is being criticized for being pregnant for a third child months after welcoming her second son, Henry.

"I am expecting my third child and I’m a married person so I don’t think people should ask me why. I understand the ethics of spacing kids but I’m a married person and an adult. I can decide the way I want to live my life. So yes, I’m having my third baby very soon. Thank you so much for the good wishes, thank you so much for the hate speeches but save some of the hate speeches because the fourth will soon come to round it up then you can show your anger then but for now it’s good news let’s celebrate.”she said

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Louis Vuitton has gone short on their creativity

I am sorry Louis Vuitton but, have you gone short on your creativity?????? I know the trend of swapping disposable grocery bags for cloth and plastic-lined reusable bags has become an increasingly popular “green” alternative; but this is and should be unacceptable.

I mean how can Louis Vuitton take our Grandma's bags (popularly known as "Ghana must go bags"), stamp their name on it & are selling them for $300 I am speechless and appaled I must say.

Well well, Toolz talks about her coming soon wedding

The host of the popular show The Juice who had her introduction last week, poored all her emotions out on her website. Below are her words...
"Ishhh is getting real!! Can’t believe I’m going to be a married woman, it’s all so terribly grown up lol. I didn’t want to put up anything on my site, but I’m trying to make it a bit more personal, so let’s see how this goes. Anyhoo, so on Saturday 5th September, I had my introduction. This is where the families of the bride and groom officially meet. We had expected about 100 people, I hear there were about 250 people there! Eeek! I didn’t sleep well the night before, because I was so nervous and I really didn’t know what to expect. I’ve been to events like this before, but I’m generally in a corner somewhere just observing.
Today the attention was all on me…and that was so unnerving! I’m used to being on stage, but then work-mode has been activated, so in my mind its all about work.

I was so nervous, couldn’t eat…also because I was paranoid that I would get food stuck in my braces and would end up having lots of pictures with efo (spinach) hanging from my teeth lol.
I worked myself up so much that I ended up developing a nervous tick. My right eye twitched for hours and I could barely stop myself from freaking out….but when I saw him aka Bae the twitching stopped…(and the crowd went awwww!)

All thanks to God!
Much love to family and friends for making it all happen, looking forward to Part 2 & 3!
A big thank you to:
Valerie Davids for the dress she ‘built’ for me
Lois of Prospotted Makeover for the make-up
Lush Jewels for the jewelry
Itunu Fabrics & Bimmms

UNILAG Student Electrocuted to Death After High Voltage Wire Falls on Her

A female University of Lagos student was electrocuted yesterday Sept. 8th after a high tension cable fell on her in front of the Sodeinde hall of residence in the campus.

According to reports, the young lady was immediately rushed to the Lagos state Teaching Hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival.

Eyewitnesses state that the pole from which the wire fell from had been showing signs of faults for a while, and that the wires attached to often sparked.

Oluchi was a 300-level student of Accounting, who hailed from Enugu State.

RIP and my condolences to her family and loved ones.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Actress and super model Synthia Emade has had her engagement called off by her striker man Clinton Nje

According to a close source, the multitalented Cameroonian beauty Synthia Emade and the striker Nje Clinton call off their engagement three weeks to traditional wedding.

Although not yet confirmed by her PR team and herself, the rumour goes on to reveal further that the reason behind the sudden call off of their wedding was because, Nje Clinton found out Synthia Emade was still  seeing her ex boyfriend .

From further investigations, I ask, could she be pregnant? There is reason to believe the richest guy maybe the  father to Synthia Emade's unborn child.

We tried contacting the striker but still no comment from him or management team as he is buzy settling in his new team; Tottenham Hotspur just completed the signing of this Cameroon international Clinton Nje.

As for the miss heritage, she is buzy promoting her new movie "smokesScreen" which she co-produced and stared in. This self proclaimed movie will air on Cameroon's national television CRTV.

We are still awaiting further outcome from our ongoing investigation and feedback from her PR TEAM. We will keep you updated.

Saturday 22 August 2015


Tia Norfleet has an amazing story. As the first ever African American female to get behind the wheel of a NASCAR vehicle, she is blazing trails and burning up tracks. Norfleet says that her mother is a pastor, so she is a woman of God. She also says that she started off driving the family mini-van when she was just eight years old.

Tia Norfleet is the first and only African American female race care driver to be licenced with NASCAR….

From the New York Times:

“Ms. Norfleet is one of thousands of individuals who have purchased licenses in the Late Model Division of our sport,” NASCAR Vice President for Public Affairs and Multicultural Development Marcus Jadotte said in an e-mail. “I am uncomfortable with attempts Ms. Norfleet and her representatives have made to forgo the sport’s development process.”

 Red flag!! Apparently, she may have lied about her identity.

Nascar officials said they were also concerned with questions about Norfleet’s legal record. Public records indicate that Tia Norfleet’s full name is Shauntia Latrice Norfleet, and that she has a criminal record in Virginia and Georgia. (No public records were found with the name Tia Norfleet.) According to her Web site, her hometown is Augusta, Ga.
Court records show that in 2005 and 2009, Norfleet was found guilty of assault and drug-related offenses. 
Norfleet did not deny having a criminal record.
“People make mistakes in their life and move forward and make a better way,” she said in a telephone interview. “I think things that I’ve done, people make mistakes, as a child, as a teen, and basically, it’s things that you may not be proud of but you move forward and you help others. And they may be in the same situation and you can relate and they can relate to you, and you help them as much as possible.”

Warren Buffett's Fear May Just Be Your Proven Opportunity

Are you an investor, or new to the game? well admitting fear is difficult. But CEO Warren Buffett may just have.

So you can imagine how shocked I was to find out Warren Buffett recently told a select number of investors about the cutting-edge technology that's keeping him awake at night.

This past May, The Motley Fool sent 8 of its best stock analysts to Omaha, Nebraska to attend the Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholder meeting. CEO Warren Buffett and Vice Chairman Charlie Munger fielded questions for nearly 6 hours.

The catch was: Attendees weren't allowed to record any of it. No audio. No video.

Team of analysts wrote down every single word Buffett and Munger uttered. Over 16,000 words. But only two words stood out to many as the detailed transcript of the event was read: which were "Real threat."

That's how Buffett responded when asked about this emerging market that is already expected to be worth more than $2 trillion in the U.S. alone. Google has already put some of its best engineers behind the technology powering this trend.

The amazing thing is, while Buffett may be nervous, the rest of us can invest in this new industry BEFORE the old money realizes what hit them.

KPMG advises we’re “on the cusp of revolutionary change” coming much “sooner than you think."

Even one legendary MIT professor had to recant his position that the technology was “beyond the capability of computer science.” (He recently confessed to The Wall Street Journal that he’s now a believer and amazed “how quickly this technology caught on.”)

Think about how many amazing technologies you've watched soar to new heights while you kick yourself thinking, "I knew about that technology before everyone was talking about it, but I just sat on my hands."

Don't let that happen again. This time, it should be your family telling you, "I can't believe you knew about and invested in that technology so early on."

That's why I hope you take just a few minutes to access the exclusive research our team of analysts has put together on this industry and one stock positioned to capitalize on this major shift.


Religion vs. Spiritualité : Une Exploration Profonde de Deux Chemins Vers le Divin

  Dans notre monde moderne en perpétuelle évolution, de plus en plus de personnes se posent des questions sur la différence entre la religio...