
Monday, 3 September 2012

What Does Success Mean to You?

Going through some reflections,  I came to realize there are various definitions of success depending on the society you live in, the culture, peer group pressure or perhaps personal desires of self actualization.

Success is a very subjective term, and it doesn't mean exactly the same thing to two different people. Not knowing how you define success in your life can make the process of becoming successful even more challenging. It's like fumbling around in the dark to find something when the light switch is right next to you, if only you would stop grasping in the dark and focus on the light switch.
personally, here is a list of what success may mean to most people (at least what it meant to me ). Success in my life means (in no particular order):

    Being happy
    Doing what I love everyday
    Helping others do what they love
    Staying true to my values
    Being a good person
    Having respectful relationships with those around me
    Being able to contribute in society
    Reaching financial security
    Being recognized as knowledgeable by peers
    Having time to enjoy the little things in life
    Not feeling stressed and overwhelmed on a regular basis
    Being in control of my own future (at the same time leaving the last decision to God)
    Following my dreams
    Setting and reaching meaningful goals
    Making genuine connections with others

What's On Your List?

When is the last time you thought about success and what being successful means in your life? Does your definition of success match up with where you're focusing your time and energy every day?

Not only does an exercise like this give you a chance to reevaluate your priorities and help clarify the direction you need to go in order to reach your goals, but it can also serve as an effective way to brainstorm things in your life and work that you may want to try doing differently.

Take some time to think about how you define success, make your own list and see how it relates to your day-to-day life. If you'd like, share your definition of success in the comments so we can create a broad list of meanings, and see how success can vary from person to person.

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