
Monday, 26 November 2012

We are suspects as we head to church these days

These days in Nigeria everyone is a suspect especially when going to places of worship. here is a pictures clearly demontrating that; many churches in Abuja city centre ewcently have resorted to subjecting their members and worshippers through thorough security checks before they are allowed to gain access into the church premises. To their excuse, this is all as a result of the dreaded Islamic sect, Boko Haram.... 

Dont what the Nigerians or any one else feel about this..well you decide.

Stunning Pictures Of Genevieve On Thanksgiving

Were you wondering what the a celebrity like Genvieve could be doing on thanksgiving day? well as you can clearly see from the above picture; she did what we all did*** wink** Still in top shape as ever though. You rock Genny!!

Pictures of Yvonne Nelson looking fab in a bikiny

Yvonne 's new pictures with bikini. Although many will approave of this size, BUT some may also  view it as not a healthy size; She is looking skinny. We are Africans and should be proud of our thick selves.  We love you Yvonne Nelson. The real African women size should be promoted..!!

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Dr Christopher Fomunyoh reviews Cardinal Tumi's latest book.

Christian Cardinal Tumi
Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh has expressed his gratitude to Christian Cardinal Tumi for his service not just to Cameroon, but mankind in general. 

Dr. Christipher Fomunyoh 
Dr Christopher reviews Christian cardinal Tumi latest book: My Faith: A Cameroon to be renewed. By Christian Cardinal Tumi, Editions Veritas; 304 pages; $30.

In this book review, he says the following: To understand and enjoy this latest book by Christian Cardinal Tumi, you have to know the man (or of him) and his style – his simple, straightforward and frank style, and his willingness to speak out and to call things as they are. It is a style uncommon in a society where many prefer to be silent in the face of such evil, oppression and even material deprivation of their fellow compatriots. Some do not speak out because they have made their peace with the unholy ones and prefer the easy path of going along as if blind to the ills that plague our society and that have crippled an otherwise thriving nation that still has to build. For more details on this review, follow this link:

Friday, 23 November 2012

Cameroon First Lady concerns about the future

Democracy in Cameroon is falling behind despite several attempts from NGOs and other international organisations in trying to find and prescribe systematic solutions. Despite the world becoming increasingly an interdependent system, Cameroon seem to have set itself apart by being dogmatic in its electoral system. In this new era of globalisation, it is no doubt that, actions taken in one country has repercussions on the other side of the globe, therefore if some aspects of democracy are not integrated properly; pursuing national interests will often be restricted by international agreements; hence further deepening countries like Cameroon into economic and social difficulties.

Just to illustrate the case of democracy, lets use China; When we talk about China, although it is not a Western democracy, China has nevertheless provided a mechanism which alternates. Therefore, since the accession of Paul Biya in 1982, the Middle Kingdom has had five presidents and is preparing to host its 6th. What does it tell us?

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Africa's first Anglican woman bishop

Ellinah Wamukoya, age 61, will serve as the church's bishop in the small, conservative kingdom of Swaziland. Ellinah's consecration happens just as the Church of England was due to vote on whether to allow women to become bishops."We have taken this step, and we wish the Church of England 'God speed' as they deliberate this week," Cape Town's Anglican archbishop said.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Stop the war against civilians in Congo

Congolese Civilians once again under rebel attack. Civilians of Goma were forced to flee their homes as gun shots and bombs are thrown in the city as a sign from the rebels that they are taking over the Democratic Republic of Congo. The M23 revolt began as a mutiny by soldiers against low pay.
Rebels' spokesman Colonel Vianney Kazarama spoke to a crowd at a stadium in Goma, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo yesterday. The M23 rebels said they planned to take control of the entire DRC after they captured Goma on Tuesday while UN peacekeepers looked on. The UN Security Council has demanded that the rebels withdraw from Goma and disband.

Kazarama however promised a peaceful future by saying the following; "Our plan is to secure the people and their property," he told The Daily Telegraph, flanked by youthful insurgents carrying Kalashnikov assault rifles. "Today, the population can sleep well. Last night, we had a quiet night. We ask the people to come back to their homes because now it is peaceful." Any rebel guilty of theft, murder or rape would be punished, he promised.
Last night, however, a final report by UN experts charged with investigating the rebels made clear that neighbouring Rwanda was primarily responsible for commanding and supporting the M23 movement. Roger Meece, the UN's envoy to Congo, told the Security Council yesterday that the rebels had been carrying out "targeted summary executions" of their opponents during their advance.

Residential building collapsed yesterday in Lagos Nigeria

Two sisters in their late 20s have been reported dead after a storey building collapsed yesterday in Lagos Nigeria.

This building was located at Block M20, Jakande Estate, Church Street, Oke-Afa, Isolo, Lagos which collapsed at about 12 midnight killing these girls and seriously injuring their mother.

Nadia Buari turns 30

Happy birth day to Nadia Buari; the ghannian screen queen turned 30 yesterday. Nadia Buari was born November 21, 1982 and is a Ghanaian actress. Her achievenmentts so far; She received two nominations for Best Actress in a Leading Role at the African Movie Academy Awards in 2007 and 2009.

Buari is the daughter of Sidiku Buari, a Ghanaian musician. She studied Performing Arts at the University of Ghana, Legon and graduated with a BFA degree in Fine Arts. 
Buari premiered on Ghanaian national television with the TV series Games People Play in late 2005. Her first major film was Mummy's Daughter, after which she starred inBeyonce: The President's Daughter. Her role as Beyonce was her major breakthrough. She has starred in over 20 movies to date.

Migration affects welfare

According to the World Bank topic at a glance, migration of people across international borders affects economic growth and social welfare in both sending and receiving countries. More than 200 million people now live outside their country of birth.

What makes people move? Strong pressures such as the differences in demographics and real incomes between countries.

Why is there inequality so much that people have to move anyway? if you want to solve the issue in the receiving country why not solve those in the sending countries? If not stop mourning about it and let people keep migrating for a better life! after all the jobs they are willing to across border are the jobs the indigens are not willing to do1 so hope is that affecting economic growth and social welfare in the recieving countries?


🌌✨ **Les Vampires Énergétiques : Un Fléau Invisible en Afrique et au-del...

Les vampires énergétiques, ces individus qui drainent notre énergie sans même s'en rendre compte, sont présents partout, y compris en Af...