
Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Have Cameroonians lost hope in Politics?

A random sample of the opinions of Cameroonians in various forum on social media reveal a starkly pessimistic view of Cameroon politics, widespread distrust of the country’s political opposition leaders and especially their suspicious inability to compromise, ahead of the upcoming October 7,2018 presidential election. By and large, Cameroonians are frustrated not only with our country’s political system but our ability to talk about political issues in a civil manner, that is, without tribal diatribes and personal invectives. It appears the country is being divided on so many topics and on so many fronts at same time. Our politics has become what could easily be described as a “stone-throwing contest'', where Facebook is used as a platform not for constructive exchanges but a forum where opinions are amplified and angrily expressed. 
It cannot be denied, that Paul Biya’s 36 years long autocratic rule appears to be a more critical factor in informing the way Cameroonians feel about the state of the country’s political institutions. More recently it is also interesting to find out that the people’s trust in our country’s electoral system is eroding. Biya’s prolonged stay in power has caused a total wariness in the electoral process, and a consensual feeling that politicians are out for themselves and beholden to special individual interests due to greed and corruption, in total disregard to the general interests of all. However, the opposition is partly to be blamed for the dysfunction of our political system as since 1991, they have adopted a reactive rather than a proactive approach towards regime change. 
One has the impression that all that matters to them is the function of the Presidency of the Republic and the privileges and powers which the constitution concentrates within the hands of that individual and nothing is done at the level of grassroots politics where from sovereign power emanates. Very few opposition parties have a strong base on the ground, such that the sufferings of the people are at the heart of their political programs in order to empower the youths and motivate them to adhere to their vision. 
Strong views from Cameroonians both at home and abroad believe that the political situation of the country today is a fertile ground for a popular revolution by the people as in the days of ghost towns and sit ins of 1990-1992, that is widely viewed as the only chapter in recent Cameroonian political history wherein the people had a golden opportunity to turn around the destiny of this nation. Today, there’s a different configuration in our political chess game. The regime has succeeded in large part, to divide us to its advantage, by playing on people’s fears. 
Coupled with the ongoing armed conflict in the Anglophone regions, our nation’s politics have reached a dangerous low point. Underscoring the overwhelming antipathy toward this regime, a majority of Cameroonians do not believe Biya’s reelection will be legitimate to bring long lasting solutions to the various crisis the nation is currently undergoing. It is a secret to no one that our major challenge is corruption. 
Endemic corruption is incapacitating this country all the way. In the last 30 years the embezzlement of public funds and overt corruption have ruined our nation, whereby crooked politicians at every level of the government betray the working class, pocketing the profits for public projects and treating the people like sheep. Consequently, the people are tired of hearing promises which they know will never be kept. Corruption is the enemy of our development, and of good governance and we must fight to get rid of it. 
Both the government and the people at large, must come together to achieve this national objective. Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. We should be a people who put integrity over politics. Voters should want somebody who understands their problems. Finally, it is also important to note that if the masses have to go into a revolution it must be with a prepared plan of social reconstruction, and not only with the feeling that they cannot endure the old regime. We live in very volatile times. And it is very necessary that all of us resist this move toward the militarization and establishment of a more and more authoritarian regime, not just in the Cameroon but in Africa and everywhere else.

Thursday, 12 July 2018

'Will the gamble pay off' with the ruling party?: The presidential election of 7 October 2018 in Cameroon

Presidential elections will be held in Cameroon on 7 October 2018, in spite of the recrudescence of violence in the Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon. It is true in many parts of the world Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, South Sudan – elections have been carried out in societies marked by armed conflict. However, elections held in political chaos and economic distress, particularly in the current crisis, is a huge gamble and likely to be particularly dangerous.

More important than the individual candidates who will be elected, the voter participation rate will be key to this election. This is because there are a lot of eligible voters living outside the territory as refugees in neighboring Nigeria, and others living in places besieged by the so called terrorists, and others who have died but are yet to be accounted for. Taking into account these factors, the participation rate will definitely be much lower in these regions.
Since to reenact a one and indivisible Cameroon shall not be to accomplish the impossible task of convincing all of our people to abandon violence, but to accomplish the essential task of convincing enough people to abandon the belief that violence is ever legitimate, election days will come and go but our common struggle to create a government which represents all of us and not just a privileged few - a government based on the principles of economic, social, political and environmental justice and equality - that struggle will always continue.
In the meantime, it is hard not to contemplate the timing and the opportunity of this election. The secessionist movement in Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon have for more than 50 years had this obsession that their Utopia of a State (Ambazonia) was supposed to be independent on the 1stOctober 1961, the date Southern Cameroons actually obtained her independence by joining the Republic of Cameroon. Hence the tradition of manifesting that desire for freedom, is perpetrated from generation to generation and we recall the unfortunate incidents of 1stOctober 2017. The police and military forces fired life ammunitions on unarmed civilians during a non-violent peaceful protest across the Northwest and Southwest regions to commemorate that symbolic ‘independence’ day. As many as 17 people were reported dead by Amnesty International and this was the turning point that marked the beginning of the cycle of violence that has led to this dreadful armed conflict which has registered several casualties both among the civilian population and the regular armed forces; caused thousands more to be displaced from their homes; and several villages and property have been consumed in flames. 

Bearing this in mind it is evidently clear that the commemoration of 1stOctober 2018 by the secessionists in the Northwest and Southwest regions shall not be an exception, that is a few days to the elections of 7thOctober 2018.  But this time around as compared to the previous years, the balance of power has changed. The government forces will have to deal not with unarmed innocent civilian in various the townships of the Anglophone regions of Cameroon, but they are already facing an armed rebellious militia insurgency determined to march on into Buea and declare the official independence of the Republic of Ambazonia on the 1stOctober 2018 even at the cost of their tears, blood and sweat
Therefore, the big question is by convening the electoral body on the 7thOctober 2018 how will the government exercise its authority in those key municipalities such as Mamfe, Kumba, Muyuka,Ekona, Bamemda where these groups have created porches of resistance which has strongly hampered the smooth running of the administration by the local government authorities appointed by President Biya for the past one year? How does the government guarantee the organization of credible election in a climate of heightened insecurity and serious tensions all over the national territory? How will the government protect the safety of polling agents, observers from national and international bodies who may want to scrutinize the free and fair process of this election in those high risk zones?

There never is a good time for tough decisions. There was always supposed to be an election or something else. Governance is also about taking tough, even unpopular decisions but to finalize, the purpose of an election is to hear the will of the people and not to fabricate votes. Several millions of Cameroonians will be disenfranchised during this election as a result of this conflict either because they are refugees in Nigeria; internally displaced; or are living in those zones were the secessionist warlords are imposing their reign of terror. In the end this election is a test of our resolve as a people to either continue to contribute in a politics of cynicism or a politics of hope. As Franklin D. Roosevelt said: in politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. Organizing elections within this context is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate either the continuing confidence in the leadership of the President at a turning point in this conflict, or a total rejection of a system which many consider as the root cause of the frustrations of the majority of Cameroonians from North to South, from East to West and not just the Anglophones. It suffices therefore to say that this presidential election is defiantly called by the Biya regime as an exercise in national sovereignty, the point being to show the to the world, especially the fickle International Community and those who have waged the nearly one-year long insurrection against Cameroon, that Cameroonians are united in the belief that Cameroonians, and only Cameroonians, will decide the fate and future of Cameroon.

Let us watch and see if the gamble pays off. 

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲 Last Thought: Building a New Country.

Cameroonians are caught between the tyranny of the govt and the rage of the secessionist. You take side with any at your own detriment. So the situation unleashes fear and gags free speech making innocent folks and concerned citizen to live in fear and trauma and unable to lead a normal life. 
As the govt fails to provide leadership while the seperatist explore all oppurtunities to be heard and gain global recognition; the carnage,casualties, misery and destruction amplifies daily leaving the population angry, helpless and thinking. 
The silent majority is watching, thinking and plotting. The moment is at hand for Cameroonians to unite and take back this nation from a failed govt and forces of anarchy that have and want to keep destroying the destiny and resources of this country. From many we are one. We are all Cameroonians.
By Nchem Rudolf/ modify by Nadine

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Wazal: AYISSI NGA Joseph-Marie aka JJ DU STYLE now author of the Comic Book “The Legend of Wazal”


It is by Now no news to us who AYISSI NGA Joseph-Marie aka JJ DU STYLE is in the fashion industry both is Africa and international. Following the footsteps of his father talent who as a tailor, The French/Cameroonian designer whose father was a tailor, has decided to create his own clothing line called ‘WAZAL’ which was launched in 2005. His collection is inspired by a Cameroonian slang 'ova' which means bigger and noble person. And Tété which refers to chic and bourgeois. Today he is rated among the best in the industry along side pioneer Cameroonian fashion designers such as Imane Ayissi and Martial Topolo.

His first designs launched in 2006 has been worn by celebrities like SINGUILA, Alpeco, WAYNE BECKFORD, ROMARIC Koffi and Lalcko. His brand “WAZAL” is a blend of “WAZA”, the name of a natural park in the extreme north of Cameroon and the letter “L” which stands for Lion, the Cameroonian symbol of power.
Well lately Mr Ayissi expanded his horizon; Wazal is now the author of the Comic Book “The Legend of Wazal”A story by Ayissi Nga Joseph MarieTranslated by Tina Nalova Ikome-Likambi

Here is the mind blowing preview; enjoy...!

Saturday, 9 June 2018

Vlog: Access to menstrual pads is exposing women to various genital infections

Stephanie Tum congratulations on the girls and hygiene campaign. Support the Embi charity foundation: Sanitary pads accessibility a nightmare for Cameroon girls and women: Improving women’s health is essential in reducing poverty and fostering economic growth in Cameroon 🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲

Sadly, most women and girls in Africa still fail to access menstrual pads due to high costs, especially those from rural areas.

The lack of access to menstrual pads is exposing women to various genital infections, as they are opting to use unhygienic methods such as tissues, rags, cow dung or even leaves.

Vlog: change in Cameroon. Peace and unity

🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲Change in Cameroon can genuinely be only driven by Anglophones and why the French part of Cameroon or the Francophones will never drive change. My analyses and conclusion.

Friday, 11 May 2018

VLOG: DISCRIMINATION RACIAL: FORMATION: comment se faire remarquer et avoir une promotion étant ...

Comment se faire remarquer et avoir une promotion même ayant été discriminé. Je vous propose des formules dans cet vidéo. Stay Empowered Always

Wednesday, 2 May 2018


Le « Cameroon International Film Festival » est entrain de devenir le rendez-vous culturel qui ne se rate pas. M. Agbor Gilbert Ebot fondateur de CAMIF ce lance un défi pour le développement de cette industrie (cinéma) qui traîne encore le pas au Cameroun. 

Déjà à sa troisième édition qui vient de clôturer la semaine dernière, il prouve sans doute qu’il n’est pas prêt à lâcher prise avec cette mission qui lui passionne autant: celui de promouvoir le cinema Camerounais et sa culture; créer un festival international au Cameroun qui accueillera les pros dans tout l’Afrique pour un partage mutuelle. Bravo à toi Agbor Gilbert, tu mérite ta place comme l’homme le plus inspirant de la saison sur EMPOWER SUCCESS IN AFRICA . Your consistency is inspiring to us all. Stay empowered Always.

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

VLOG VISUELLE: mon message en ce jour de fête de travail international.

VLOG VISUELLE: Bonjour, Mon message a tous en cette journée de fête de travail. 
Certes il n'y a pas à proprement parler de "Journée Mondiale" du travail... mais si celui-ci doit être honoré, c'est bien le 1er mai... traditionnellement appelé "fête du travail" dans de très nombreux pays !
Parmi ceux qui défilent le 1er mai, combien savent qu’ils commémorent la grève sanglante du 3 mai 1886 aux usines McCormick de Chicago (USA), pour l’instauration de la journée de huit heures, et le meeting de protestation qui s’ensuivit le lendemain à Haymarket au cours duquel une bombe tua huit policiers.
Huit anarchistes furent arrêtés, quatre furent pendus,le 11 novembre 1887, avant d’être innocentés puis réhabilités publiquement en 1893.
Les martyrs de Chicago vont faire du 1er Mai un symbole de la lutte des classes et de l’identité du monde ouvrier à partir du congrès socialiste international de Paris de 1889 : il s’agissait de fonder en actes le projet d’une société émancipée, libérée du travail contraint. Alternant les hauts et les bas au fil des années, ce symbole sera tout de même à l’origine des lois sur le repos hebdomadaire en 1906 et des huit heures en 1919, avant de se banaliser après être devenu en 1947 un jour chômé et rémunéré.

Monday, 30 April 2018

VLOG AUDIO: My take on how Africains are percieved in France

My take on how Africains are percieved in France and how that is paralysing their effort to grow and eventually empower the coming generation; this compare to their counterparts in English western countries. Stay Empowered always....


La France accueil et à une hospitalité très estimée, mais par contre sa culture discriminatoire assombrie ces qualités. Donc il est vraiment difficile mais pas impossible de ce faire un nom et se propulser vers l’horizon comme Aïsha Sol.

VLOG AUDIO: La discrimination des étranges au sein des entreprises Françaises.étrangés

La discrimination au sein des entreprises Françaises. Ce que les étrangers et non français d’origine font face en France.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018


EXCLUSIVE INTERVIE WITH DAPHNE: An interview like never before with the selfless superstar. You will get to know her inside out,; her strategy to building an impire and definitely leaving her footprint in the Cameroon music industry; the challenges she faced as a female artist in an industry dominated by men, and also her advice to all youths out there.


Founder of INDOAFRICA And RATU International Festival
Newly Crowned Princess of BANGOULAP kingdom Cameroon
Cameroon's relations with Indonesia are on the fast track of development, reflecting Indonesia's status as the third largest democracy with the fourth largest population in the world, a regional 'giant' representing some 36% of the ASEAN GDP and 261 million inhabitants, and emerging global player (G20 member, 8th economy in the world in purchasing power parity). Cameroon  and Indonesia no doubt share similar values, interests and outlook on regional integration, multilateralism, democracy and human rights in open and tolerant societies, cultural exchange and education.

Thought the relationship between Cameroon and Indonesia has always existed, lately, this has been refresh and given a whole new meaning with the empowerment from the founder of INDOAFRICA and RATU INTERNATIONAL Festival Called RATU ERMA OLIERHOEK. This newly crowned princess of BANGOULAP Kingdom in the Western region of Camaroon powered a series of meetings between the Cameroon and Indonesia Government officials with the mission to promote cultural exchange.

Fully establishing a proactive bilateral relationship; was the objective of the meeting that took place on the 13th March 2018 between Indonesia officials in Cameroon and  the MINISTER OF CULTURE AND ARTS(Cameroon), President of Chamber of Commerce (Cameroon), MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRES (Cameroon), MINISTER OF COMMUNICATION (Cameroon). In this meeting, the following top priorities were agreed on:

1- helping leading Cameroon art and culture institutions achieve international standards, by making considered choices within the basic cultural infrastructure;
2-  strengthening the international market position of Cameroon artists and institutions; handicrafts; ethnic arts and indigenous cultural industries of Cameroon;
3-  strengthening Cameroon's economic interests by emphasising cultural, trade and economic ties; ease of access pertaining to export and outsourcing;
4-  cultural diplomacy: using art and culture to benefit international relations.
5- To participate in the formulation and implementation of policies and programmes relating to Cameroon's external cultural relations;
6-To foster and strengthen cultural relations and mutual understanding between Cameroon and Indonesia;
7- To promote cultural exchange with Indonesia and the peoples;
8- To establish and develop relations with national and inter-national organisations in the field of culture; 
In her  effort to bridging the gap between Cameroon and Indonesia  economic and cultural partnership;  the newly crowned princess of Bangoulap kingdom, Cameroon; took a team of Cameroon Government Officials and business leaders to the INDONESIA-AFRICA FORUM 2018;  which is taken place today 10th to the 11th April in BALI precisely at the  BALI NUSA DUA CONVENTION CENTRE .  This platforms will empower new financing opportunities and negotiations on the different preferential trade agreement  for Cameroon and other Africa countries.

At the Indonesia-Africa forum 2018 on the 10th of April 2018 
My dear RATU Erma OLIERHOEK,   I Nadine Tonguem founder of EMPOWER SUCCESS IN AFRICA is excited to Name you INSPIRING WOMAN of the Season, you are a true #pressForProgress; representing all aspect of the International Women's  Day Campaign theme 2018. Since I know you, all you have proven is to have a strong call to motivate and unite friends, colleagues and whole communities to think, act and be gender inclusive, you have always shown that collectively we can all play a part  and share responsibilities for driving change successfully.

My mentor and friend , may you now join powerful women - thought leaders ; who also desire to make the world a more equitable place for all.

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Exclusive VIDEO Interview with Cameroon's Youngest Female Entrepreneur ETONDE ...

Africa should take advantage of its youth demographic dividend to push young entrepreneurs to contribute to the continent's economic transformation. This has been the subject on every political speech, the seductive magnet in election campaigns, and the chorus in many economic write-ups, but yet finance remains the biggest barrier to entry resulting to a large informal entrepreneurship at the bottom of the African economic pyramid. There is a lot on the WHY? but soo little on the HOW? In Cameroon, the youngest successful female entrepreneur Etonde Martin has made it her mission to see into these challenges and came up with solutions to reducing the barrier to entry. The EMPOWER SUCCESS IN AFRICA team caught up with her and we were delighted to have an exclusive in-depth interview with the brain behind SIPEC empire . Stay Empowered and Happy New Year 2018.



💫 Le libre arbitre dans la spiritualité africaine occupe une place essentielle. Il nous rappelle que, bien que nous soyons influencés par n...