
Tuesday 12 April 2016

Somali journalist Hassan Hanafi executed for supporting al Shabaab

Add Hassan Hanafi, a former media officer for the Somali Islamist group al Shabaab, stands tied to a pole before his execution by shooting at close range on a field in General Kahiye Police Academy in Somalia's capital Mogadishu, April 11, 2016. Photo(c)REUTERS

A Somali journalist who helped al Shabaab kill five fellow reporters has been executed by firing squad.

Hassan Hanafi, once a respected broadcaster, was sentenced to death last month by a military court in the capital, Mogadishu.

He assisted the militant group by identifying possible targets among journalists between 2007 and 2011.

Monday 11 April 2016

mysterious disease claims more than 23 infants lives in Kenya

According to News24, A mysterious disease has claimed lives of at least 23 infants in Kenya's Nakuru and Baringo counties in the past four weeks.

Boko Haram is asking for a ransom for the release of the 219 girl kidnapped several months ago

Boko Haram is now seeking a ransom of nearly $56 million (about R842 million) for the release of the 219 schoolgirls kidnapped from the Nigerian town of Chibok two years ago, sources close to the group have said.

Friday 8 April 2016

Educational: Uniqueness in Blogging: uniqueness amount Cameroonian bloggers

Dear friends and fellow bloggers I must express my joy for the proliferation of Cameroon blogs and bloggers. I remember when I started this adventure in 2009 I could bearly post my articles on my personal facebook page. I rather at the time stick to my server comunity which was wordpress and Google Blogger. Infact as a Cameroonian I was ashamed of calling myself a blogger among ourself; but this wasn't the case when in the midst of Western friends and those from Asia; I felt they were the only one who understood this culture. But then one day I got encouragely kicked in the butt when an african blogger made it to Forbes #lindaijekiblog and one other from South Africa (which was obvious). However I still felt a stranger; but today I say it no more; as I am amoung many of "my own". Monetising for your blog and eventually maybe making it to Forbes shouldn't the fundermental reason; but rather passion should be...!

Monday 4 April 2016

Meet the Ghanaian pastor driving Africa’s car industry

I cannot start this article without quoting Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah´s famous words: ´The black man is capable (of managing his own affairs),´´ and there is absolute truth in the cliché: ´´Wonders shall never end.´´ Growing up as a little Ghanaian boy, I always learnt in school about some of the world´s greatest inventors who were mostly whites. This undoubtedly contributed to our westernised indoctrination, because it implied that the whites are super-humans. And the black man was always associated with the ills of society in a mischievous manner.
Ghanaian pastor – Apostle Kwadwo Safo
Why is the African the only person on earth who apparently cannot (or does not) make a car from scratch – from foundation to finishing – except for assembling parts manufactured by others or repairing cars made by other people? On the roads of Africa, one finds every car of every make – from Germany, Japan, USA, France, UK, Sweden, Italy, South Korea, Malaysia, China, etc – except a car made in Africa by an African! Does it say something about the African’s mechanical and technological prowess?

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Kenya and Tanzania embroiled in a trade feud. Certainly not the first time...

State House Spokesman Manoah Esipisu told reporters in Nairobi that Tanzania was isolated deliberately because it had nothing to do with the issues on the agenda.

"Monday meeting was bilateral. As you know we had also invited oil companies but they did not take part in the meeting," he told journalists.

The two countries agreed to meet again in two weeks after Energy ministry officials from Nairobi and Kampala had finished assessing the viability of various pipeline routes.

Asked to comment on the status of relations between Kenya and Tanzania, Mr Esipisu said the relations were "good, never been better."

17 Activists jailed for Anti-Govt Rebellion

An Angolan court has sentenced 17 youth activists, including a prominent rapper, to between two and eight years in jail for rebelling against the government of President Jose Eduardo dos Santos.

The sentence was handed down on Monday at the end of a lengthy trial in the capital Luanda that the Angolan opposition has said proves the existence of ingrained political repression.

The activists were arrested in June and have always denied the charges against them.

Rapper Luaty Beirao, who went on hunger strike for over a month last year to protest his detention, was given a five-and-a-half year sentence for "rebellion against the president of the republic, criminal association and falsifying documents".

Friday 26 February 2016

The EX of Cameroonian most successful soccer player fight back

I dont known if I should say this but I really feel for this girl: the EX of Cameroonian most successful soccer player . Just a quick recap: after 7years of relationship, someone decided to publish naked pictures of her on the virtual space. It is however important to note that; the only person in possession of these naked pictures according to her was: the big 9 Eto'o Fils

 Ever since the controversy broke out, the big 9 has dinied any involment in the leakage of these pictures. The exposure of this pictures to the public have since damaged Nathalie's reputation. To fight back, Nathalie Koah decided to write a book which she named "REVENGE PORN". this book was to be published officially the 18th of this month followed by an international book tour. To everyone's greatest supprise the sale in France and Cameroon was suspended following a court decision. Reasons being that; many's privacy were not respected in the book.

Here is my take: In no circumstance should a judge from a developed world refuse the sale of her book under the pretext of infringing Eto'o s privacy; this is crazy. Where has freedom of speech law gone to. Like she said in one of her video published on her official facebook page wall Click here for link, the big 9 need to own up to his part of misconduct and should stop using all means he has to stop her from saying her side of the story. I damp think she is right...

It is no doubt all this media scandal makes me truly feel sorry for Georgette the big 9's official wife. Nevertheless I don't feel sorry for the big 9 himself.  And I think the big 9 should genuinely leave the hell of Natalie Koah alone and or atleast own up to have released those pics of her and eventually appologise.

Although the sale of her book was suspended, she recently traveled  to France to attend series of interviews with reputable TV stations like: France24, BFWTV, le Monde and many others. Not to forget radio stations and interview with multiple french and Cameroon diaspora bloggers. She also got interview with popular magazines such as Closer.

I rekon it is hard to live a life full of persecutions from the public but, from all her posts on her facebook page, she is truely sorry and wishes people; especially younger girls learn from her story and be more careful in life.

Nevertheless she is not ready to stop her battle for justice anytime soon and isnt ready to hide as most want her to. She is strong enough!. To show this, she pasted this quote from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie below:

" We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller. We say to girls, you can have ambition, but not too much. You should aim to be successful, but not too successful. Otherwise, you would threaten the man. Because I am female, I am expected to aspire to marriage. I am expected to make my life choices always keeping in mind that marriage is the most important. Now marriage can be a source of joy and love and mutual support but why do we teach girls to aspire to marriage and we don’t teach boys the same? We raise girls to see each other as competitors not for jobs or accomplishments, which I think can be a good thing, but for the attention of men. We teach girls that they cannot be sexual beings in the way that boys are . "
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie ‪#‎Feminist‬

Please what is your take on this???

World’s Oldest President still in power!, Robert Mugabe Celebrates His 92nd Birthday

Forgive me for my strong words but just announcing that the World’s Oldest President, Robert Mugabe Celebrates His 92nd Birthday. The Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe turns 92 last weekend and is expected to celebrate his birthday in a grand event estimated to cost R12 million this weekend.

If I recall, last year the world’s oldest leader, celebrated his birthday with a massive feast, and it was gathered that several elephants were slaughtered.

Ironic enough today Sunday, state media lauded Mugabe for his leadership since independence from Britain in 1980, while as it should... the opposition urged him to consider stepping down.

According to its 16-page special birthday supplement, the Sunday Mail described Mugabe as a “doyen of pan-Africanism”. Hmmm...really, is he???!!!

Bébés découverte dans un réfrigérateur d'un restaurant chinois

Avertissement photo sensible. SVP confirmer si cette histoire est vrai. Cette photo est apparue sur le mur d un ami. Selon lui, son ami du centre ville de Douala lui informe qu il s'agit des bébés que la police a découverte dans un réfrigérateur  d'un restaurant chinois de la place!!!! Vrai ou faut???


Religion vs. Spiritualité : Une Exploration Profonde de Deux Chemins Vers le Divin

  Dans notre monde moderne en perpétuelle évolution, de plus en plus de personnes se posent des questions sur la différence entre la religio...