
Thursday, 14 April 2016

BREAKING SAD NEWS: premature baby dies in Hope Parma hospital due to electricity power cut in Kumba

Dear friends, BREAKING SAD NEWS!!!!!!! in Kumba Cameroon: Bush faller's premature baby dies in Hope Parma hospital due to electricity power cut in Kumba on the 10/04/2016. So what really happened?!!  A girl comes back from Germany urgently to attend the burial ceremony of a death parent. On the 4th of April after contractions begins she is taken to this Hope Parma hospital were she gives birth to a premature baby of a masculine sex. After four days at the hospital she now has to attend this burial ceremony, of course she knows her baby is in good hands and off she goes in full confidence. However when the baby's father comes to the hospital in the early hours of the 10th, he discovers the baby is dead.  Oooop! How do you react to that? ??? Of course he does what anyone will do: physical aggression towards personels,   destruction of equipment. This as a result call the attention of the entire neighborhood, and police intervention. God Cameroon please let all wear  black tomorrow in support of miss Kah Walla Campaign because this really getting too much Cameroon. 

According to the doctor on duty's statement at the police station,  the baby died at 4:30th mean while the electricity power cut was at 8 am same day. The state council ordered he is arrested and jailed until the real cause of death is investigated. However he was charged with involuntary Humberside by negligence. But was bail after spending less than 24 hrs in jail; on wait for next court date.

An orthopsy was also ordered immediately to define the exact cause of death and determine if the theory of electricity occurrence was a contributing factor.

Court Decision

100 million FCFA to be paid for the damage and 10 million as deposit.

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